
时间:2014-03-10 13:22:53

标签: c


sgraham @ myshell:/ home / class / sgraham / proj1> cd ..(工作正常)

sgraham @ myshell:/ home / class / sgraham> cd ..(不工作)

sgraham @ myshell:/ home / class / sgraham> cd ..(不工作) cd:参数太多

sgraham @ myshell:/ home / class / sgraham> history

sgraham @ myshell:/家庭/类/ sgraham> (不打印历史记录)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

#define MAX_ARGS 9
#define HIS_SIZE 100

typedef struct
  int argument;                             // userCom arguments
  char *arg[MAX_ARGS + 1];                  // userCom arguments array 
  char *history[HIS_SIZE];                  //history array 
  char *input;                          // hold input file
  char *output;                        // hold output file
} Command;

int main()
    Command userCom = {0};                       //holds userCom struct
    const char *whitespace = " \n\r\t\v\f";      // userCom delimiting chars
    char* username = getenv("USER");             //Get user name 
    char* curDirect = getenv("HOME");            //get cwd
    char* token[MAX_ARGS];                           
    char* cwd;
    char* buf;
    char* cmd;
    char buffer[MAX_COMMAND_SIZE + 1];       //hold userCom line
    //char history[HIS_SIZE][MAX_ARGS +1];  //2D array for history 
    int tok = 0;
    int new;
    int i;
    int limit;
    int last = 0; 
    int hist = 0;                           //initialize history size to 0 
    long size;
    struct stat buff;                       //holds file information

    //gets current working directory and also changes buffer if necessary 
    size = pathconf(".", _PC_PATH_MAX);
    if ((buf = (char *)malloc((size_t)size)) != NULL)
    cwd = getcwd(buf, (size_t)size);


    //prints users prompt 
    printf("\n%s@myshell:%s>", username,cwd); 

    //gets string from userCom line
    fgets(buffer, MAX_COMMAND_SIZE + 1, stdin);

    buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] = 0 ;//set null

    //set-up history function 
     userCom.history[last% HIS_SIZE] = cmd;

    //parses tokens and looks for delimiters 
    token[tok] = strtok(buffer,whitespace);
        if(tok == MAX_ARGS)
        printf("Reached MAX userCom arguments");

        token[tok] = strtok(NULL, whitespace);

    i =0;
    //sort tokens based on special characters
    for (;i<tok;++i)

        if(!strcmp(token[i], "<"))
             userCom.output = token[++i];
        else if(!strcmp(token[i], ">"))
            userCom.input = token[++i];
        else if (token[i][0] == '$')
          char* toktok = getenv((const char*)&token[i][1]);

          if (!toktok)
              printf("%s: ERROR: variable.\n", token[i]);
              return 0;
              userCom.arg[userCom.argument] = toktok;

          userCom.arg[userCom.argument] = token[i];

        tok = 0;
        userCom.arg[userCom.argument] = 0;  

    //handles the "cd" command
        if((strcmp(userCom.arg[0],"cd") == 0))
            if (userCom.argument > 2)
          printf("cd: Too many arguments\n");

          // change directories if valid target and update cwd

          else if (userCom.argument == 1)
          new = chdir(cwd);
          if (new != 0)
              printf("%s: No such file or directory\n");

          // if no argument is given, new directory should be $HOME

              new = chdir(curDirect);

              // get the new current working directory

              size = pathconf(".", _PC_PATH_MAX);
              if ((buf = (char *)malloc((size_t)size)) != NULL)
                cwd = getcwd(buf, (size_t)size);
      }//end "cd" function

      //handles the echo command
      else if(strcmp(userCom.arg[0], "echo") == 0)
        int p; 
        for(p=1;p < userCom.argument; ++p)
        printf("%s ", userCom.arg[p]);      

      }//ends echo function 

      //handles exit 
      else if(strcmp(userCom.arg[0], "exit") == 0)
      //handles history functions
      else if(strcmp(userCom.arg[0], "history") == 0)
        int j;
        for(j = last,  limit = 0; userCom.history[j] != NULL && limit != HIS_SIZE ; j = (j -1)% HIS_SIZE, limit++)
        printf(" %s ",userCom.history[j]);
      else {

      }//end while 1 loop

    return 0; 
}//End int main

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

    if(tok == MAX_ARGS)
    printf("Reached MAX userCom arguments");

    token[tok] = strtok(NULL, whitespace);


if(tok == MAX_ARGS) {
    printf("Reached MAX userCom arguments");

同样userCom.argument永远不会被设置回zero,这会导致cd .. 第一次工作