无法理解为什么这不起作用的逻辑,但基本上我正在做一个学校作业,创建jquery来创建一个有很多层的网站,我做了。一切都已完成,除非我的导航仅在第一次从按钮点击调用时动画,而不是第二次。其他一切似乎工作得很好但是这个。真的很感激帮助。 live example
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<title>Assignment 6 | jQuery Usability </title>
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<li><a class="menuShow" href="#"> Assignment 6 </a></li>
<li><a class="contentDown" href="#" > Part One </a></li>
<li><a class="contentDown" href="#"> Part Two </a></li>
<li><a class="contentDown" href="#"> Part Three </a></li>
<li><a class="contentDown" href="#"> Student Notes 1 </a></li>
<li><a class="contentDown" href="#"> Student Notes 2 </a></li>
<li><a class="contentDown" href="#"> Student Notes 3</a></li>
<h2 id="round"><a class="bck" href="#"> Back </a></h2>
<li> Interactive media has been apart of my life since as long as I can remember. I have always been fascinated with any form of media including television, video games, handheld games, or websites. However before attending school to study interactive media, I never noticed the little things that can really affect the experience for a user. One item in particular being diegetic elements. Diegetic elements are objects within a media that only the user knows about. For instance, in a video game a diegetic element would be the items you see on the side of the screen that inform you how much health or ammo you have remaining. These are necessary components for they are needed to tell the player perhaps where to go for their next objective, or if any enemies are around you. We have also been exposed to 'non-diegetic' elements that act just the opposite of diegetic ones. Non-diegetic elements are items inside interactivity that are supposed to be there. This is a way of implementing a diegetic element into the space of the world you create. For example, a non-diegetic element would be the ammo bar being placed on the gun, instead of a static bar on the side of the screen. Some patterns being used in interactive media today include the majority of diegetic elements that would at one time be diegetic, but attempting to translate it into a non-diegetic element. </li>
<li> One ways people have done this is throwing elements in the world that would be believable to the player that they should be there. Instead of throwing a sidebar with your gun ammo and grenade count, it would make sense if a game is placed in modern-time that we would have technology available to put that information on the gun. One of the biggest examples of great uses of non-diegetic elements in the way the players health is damaged. Older games will have a health bar, but more modern games will mostly have a “shock” state where the screen might turn red, or your player begins to lose the ability to act normal when they are under fire. Does this mean we should stop using diegetic elements altogether? This is a question anyone in any form of interactive media should be asking themselves. The problem is that you can have too much non-diegetic presence that would confuse the user instead of help them which was originally intended. Resident Evil received a lot of harsh criticism for their lack of diegetic presence to help the player finish the game. It was hard for the user to be able to tell when the character was going to die based on their health system. If you received damage your character will hunch over, but it's unclear how much damage you're taking. The user will often die </li>
<li> without knowing whether or not you should have died, as opposed to a health bar that would show you. Contrary to too much non-diegetic presence, is too much diegetic elements. In titles such as World of Warcraft, or League of Legends, some are simply overwhelmed by the fact that half of the screen is objects that you are supposed to be aware of but until you learn the game they make as much sense as flying pigs. In conclusion, it is best to find that medium for any interactive media that has non-diegetic or diegetic elements. It is different for each occasion, for a first-person shooter the need for diegetic elements is acute, while in a complex game like World of Warcraft it is necessary. Websites are the same, and it would be logical and smart for developers to start thinking about how we can eliminate clutter, and turn it into a non-diegetic element for the user. </li>
<li> Content 4 </li>
<li> Content 5 </li>
<li> Content 6 </li>
html, body
/* Very basic CSS resets */
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2. Force vertical scrollbar in non-IE
3. Prevent iOS text size adjust on device orientation change, without disabling user zoom
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opacity: 0.9;
margin-left: -250px;
padding-top: 10px;
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color: beige;
color: tomato;
/* ==================================
================================= */
答案 0 :(得分:1)
<nav class="navBar">
<nav class="navBar" style="right: 300px;">
<nav class="navBar" style="right: 300px; left: 10px;">
这会产生问题,这意味着您的JQuery无法更改导航栏的位置。所以你需要做的是将'left'设置为'auto' - 这是left的默认值,允许你的导航栏再次移动。无论如何,这是我的解决方案的JSFiddle:http://jsfiddle.net/LPDkg/(更改在javascript窗口的第112和117行)