def main():
print("You must enter a valid raw/dd image of a drive.")
given = input("Enter path to the first image file: ")
given2 = input("Enter path to the second image file: ")
firstDiffs = []
secondDiffs = []
x = 0
y = 1
with open(given, "rb") as infile:
# data = infile.read()
with open(given2, "rb") as infile2:
# data2 = infile2.read()
while x < y:
data = infile.read(1024 + 1 * x)
data2 = infile2.read(1024 + 1 * x)
value1 = hexFormat(data, x)
value2 = hexFormat(data2, x)
if value1 != value2:
print("The values at location ", x,"do not match")
print("The value from file 1 is: ", value1)
print("The value from file 2 is: ", value2)
firstDiff = firstDiffs.count(value1)
secondDiff = secondDiffs.count(value2)
print("This is the ", firstDiff,"occurrence of this value coming from file 1.")
print("This is the ", secondDiff, "occurrence of this value coming from file 2.")
x = x + 1
y = y + 1
def hexFormat(data, location): #This function is used to properly format the hex values being read off the disk
formattedCorrectly = hex(data[location]) #This created formattedCorrectly as the hex value found at the location given
strippedData = formattedCorrectly[2:] #This removes the "0x" from in front of the value to allow for easier processing
if len(strippedData) == 2: #This if statement just ensures that two values are returned, as hex values of double zero and with a leading zero were being problematic
return (strippedData)
elif len(strippedData) == 1:
return ("0"+strippedData)
return ("00")
感谢您的帮助, -DJ