我正在创建一个用户选择对象的UI, UI将显示其所选的层次结构 宾语。 它有点类似于大纲,但我无法做到 找到任何文件/类似的结果我 试图获得。顺便说一句,我正在使用python进行编码......
即便如此,这是否有可能在第一次做到这一点 放置?
请允许我在下面提供一个简单示例: 假如我选择testCtrl,它只会显示 testCtrl,loc和jnt没有显示Parent(Grp 01)
EG。 Grp 01 - > testCtrl - > loc - > JNT
import maya.cmds as cmds
def customOutliner():
if cmds.ls( sl=True ):
# Create the window/UI for the custom Oultiner
newOutliner = cmds.window(title="Outliner (Custom)", iconName="Outliner*", widthHeight=(250,100))
frame = cmds.frameLayout(labelVisible = False)
customOutliner = cmds.outlinerEditor()
# Create the selection connection network; Selects the active selection
inputList = cmds.selectionConnection( activeList=True )
fromEditor = cmds.selectionConnection()
cmds.outlinerEditor( customOutliner, edit=True, mainListConnection=inputList )
cmds.outlinerEditor( customOutliner, edit=True, selectionConnection=fromEditor )
cmds.showWindow( newOutliner )
cmds.warning('Nothing is selected. Custom Outliner will not be created.')
答案 0 :(得分:3)
from maya import cmds
from collections import defaultdict
window = cmds.window()
layout = cmds.formLayout()
control = cmds.treeView(parent=layout)
cmds.formLayout(layout, e=True, attachForm=[(control,'top', 2),
(control,'left', 2),
(control,'bottom', 2),
(control,'right', 2)])
调用(documentation)构建层次结构。从旧忠实ls -sl
def populateTreeView(control, parent, parentname, counter):
# list all the children of the parent node
children = cmds.listRelatives(parent, children=True, path=True) or []
# loop over the children
for child in children:
# childname is the string after the last '|'
childname = child.rsplit('|')[-1]
# increment the number of spaces
counter[childname] += 1
# make a new string with counter spaces following the name
childname = '{0} {1}'.format(childname, ' '*counter[childname])
# create the leaf in the treeView, named childname, parent parentname
cmds.treeView(control, e=True, addItem=(childname, parentname))
# call this function again, with child as the parent. recursion!
populateTreeView(control, child, childname, counter)
# find the selected object
selection = cmds.ls(sl=True)[0]
# create the root node in the treeView
cmds.treeView(control, e=True, addItem=(selection, ''), hideButtons=True)
# enter the recursive function
populateTreeView(control, selection, '', defaultdict(int))