答案 0 :(得分:1)
正则表达式不支持嵌套/平衡语法。例如,解析数学语句并确保每个左括号都具有适当平衡的右括号,或者解析XML或HTML以确保每个元素都正确关闭,需要更具表现力的语法。 (有关学术解释,请参阅Chomsky's Hierarchy,特别注意常规和无上下文语言之间的区别。)
为了使用嵌套语法解析语言,你需要相当于“下推自动机”(PDA),但不要担心 - 所有这些花哨的术语实际上都是微不足道的。您可以使用递归或循环来解决问题,在每次迭代中使用正则表达式,或者只是构建自己的解析方法。
我最近在Rest API中实现了完全相同的功能,虽然我的语法略有不同,但我怀疑您可能会发现此代码有用:
* Given a single packed string that defines a recursive set of fields,
* this will parse and return a Map of terms from the root level where the
* term is mapped to the packed string defining the sub-fields within that key.
* Assume the primary/root result is a Movie...
* --(raw==null) get all movie First Order (FO) attributes
* stars --get all movie FO, and expand stars relation
* title --get movies FO id and title
* title,stars --get movies FO id and title, and expand stars relation
* stars{} --get all movie FO, and expand stars relation (same as stars)
* stars{name} --get all movie FO, and expand stars relation getting star FO id and name
* stars{contractStudio} --get all movie FO, expand stars relation getting all star FO and expand stars contract studio
* stars{name,contractStudio} --get all movie FO, and expand stars relation getting star FO id and name and expand stars contract studio
* title,stars{name,contractStudio{name,founded}} --get movies FO id and title, and expand stars relation getting star FO id and name and expand stars contract studio with the studio FO name and founded date
private Map<String, String> parseRequestParameter(String raw) {
if (raw == null || raw.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyMap();
Map<String, String> results = new HashMap<>();
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
while (j < raw.length()) {
char c = raw.charAt(j);
//move j to end of attr name
while (c != '{' && c != ',' && ++j < raw.length()) {c = raw.charAt(j);}
String attr = raw.substring(i, i = j).trim();
if (!attr.isEmpty()) {
//capture the optional sub-expansion
if (c == '{') {
i++; //move i past the opening '{'
int pDepth = 1;
while (pDepth > 0 && ++j < raw.length()) { //pDepth is depth of nested { }
pDepth += (c = raw.charAt(j)) == '{' ? 1 : (c == '}' ? -1 : 0);
results.put(attr, raw.substring(i, j).trim());
if (++j < raw.length()) c = raw.charAt(i = j); //move i and c past the closing '}'
else {
results.put(attr, null);
//skip any unexpected suffix trash... only ',' marks next term.
while ((i = ++j) < raw.length() && c != ',') {c = raw.charAt(j);}
return results;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
为什么不使用POST或PUT并将数据值放在邮件正文中?这样,您可以使用JSON来组织数据。 (好的...... XML或YAML也可以 - 但我喜欢JSON)。