
时间:2014-03-06 16:55:22

标签: c# sql entity-framework hierarchy


这是SQL中的工作查询(但如果可能的话,我希望能够在LINQ to Entities查询中执行此操作):

FROM        tblMessage
WHERE       msgTypeID = 1 // Request type
    AND     msgUserID = 7 // The creator of the Request
    AND     (       msgWhenRead IS NULL // That they didn't read the top Request, OR has any Offers, etc that haven't been read
                OR  0 < (   SELECT  COUNT(msgID)
                            FROM    tblMessage
                            WHERE   msgTypeID = 2
                            AND     msgRecipientID = 7 // Looking for Recipient here, as the creator is the person who is making the offer, but the Recipient is being set to the person who made the parent Request.
                            AND     (       msgWhenRead IS NULL
                                        OR  0 < (   SELECT  COUNT(msgID)
                                                    FROM    tblMessage
                                                    WHERE   msgTypeID = 3 // Is a Dialog
                                                    AND     msgRecipientID = 7 // Same deal with the Recipient here as with Offers.
                                                    AND     msgWhenRead IS NULL


response.Requests = repository.Messages
                              .Where(r => r.Creator.Id == request.UserId &&
                                          r.dbIsDeleted == "N" &&                                                                           
                                          r.dbStatusId != (int)RequestStatus.Inappropriate &&
                                          (     r.WhenRead == null ||
                                                r.Offers.Select(o => o.RecipientId == request.UserId && 
                                                                     o.dbIsDeleted == "N" &&
                                                                     o.dbStatusId != (int)OfferStatus.Inappropriate &&
                                                                     ( o.WhenRead == null ||
                                                                       o.Dialogs.Select(d => d.RecipientId == request.UserId &&
                                                                                             d.dbIsDeleted == "N" &&
                                                                                             d.dbStatusId != (int)DialogStatus.Inappropriate &&
                                                                                             d.WhenRead == null)


我现在得到的是,在阅读完所有内容后,实体框架查询仍在查找最高请求,我不知道为什么。生成的EF SQL的结构与我自己编写的结构并不相近。如果人们认为可以提供帮助,我可以提供EF SQL。

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