TestChecker: <<loop>>
checkGroup :: Environ -> [Prog] -> (State, Environ, [String])
checkGroup env progs = (finalState, finalEnv, messages)
where (finalState, finalEnv, messages) = foldl checkSingleProg (Ok, empty, []) progs
checkSingleProg (s, e, msg) prog = (resS, mergeEnv e e', mess)
where (s', e', msg') = checkProg (mergeEnv' env finalEnv) prog
mess = msg ++ msg'
resS = if s == Err || s' == Err then Err else Ok
checkProg (mergeEnv' env finalEnv) prog
调用输出的一部分。这是问题的关键点。我知道< / strong>它可以完成,我只是不明白我对这个技巧的错误。)
-- variables, functions, labels [for goto]
type Environ = (M.Map String Type, M.Map String Type, S.Set String)
mergeEnv' :: Environ -> Environ -> Environ
mergeEnv' env1 env2 = (fst' env1,
M.union (snd' env2) (snd' env1),
S.union (thr' env2) (thr' env1))
(mergeEnv' env finalEnv)
module Main where
import qualified Data.Map as M
data Prog = Group [Prog]
| Fdecl Type String [(Type, String)] Prog
| Simple Simple
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Simple = Rexp Rexp
| Vdecl Type String Rexp
| Return Rexp
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Rexp = Call String [Rexp]
| Lexp Lexp
| Const Const
deriving(Eq, Show)
data Lexp = Ident String
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Const = Integer Integer
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Type = Func Type [Type]
| Int
| Error
deriving (Eq, Show)
compatible :: Type -> Type -> Bool
compatible _ Error = True
compatible x y | x == y = True
compatible (Func ty types) (Func ty' types') = compatible ty ty' && and (zipWith compatible types types')
compatible _ _ = False
type Environ = (M.Map String Type, M.Map String Type)
empty :: Environ
empty = (M.empty, M.empty)
hasVar :: Environ -> String -> Bool
hasVar env var = M.member var $ fst env
getVarType :: Environ -> String -> Type
getVarType env var = fst env M.! var
putVar :: Environ -> String -> Type -> Environ
putVar env var ty = (M.insert var ty $ fst env, snd env)
hasFunc :: Environ -> String -> Bool
hasFunc env func = M.member func $ snd env
getFuncType :: Environ -> String -> Type
getFuncType env func = snd env M.! func
putFunc :: Environ -> String -> Type -> Environ
putFunc env func ty = (fst env, M.insert func ty $ snd env)
vars :: Environ -> M.Map String Type
vars = fst
funcs :: Environ -> M.Map String Type
funcs = snd
mergeEnv :: Environ -> Environ -> Environ
mergeEnv env1 env2 = (M.union (fst env2) (fst env1),
M.union (snd env2) (snd env1))
mergeEnv' :: Environ -> Environ -> Environ
mergeEnv' env1 env2 = (fst env1,
M.union (snd env2) (snd env1))
data State = Ok | Err
deriving (Eq, Show)
checkProg :: Environ -> Prog -> (State, Environ, [String])
checkProg env prog = case prog of
Group progs -> checkGroup env progs
Fdecl retType name params body -> checkFdecl env retType name params body
Simple simple -> checkSimple env simple
checkSimple :: Environ -> Simple -> (State, Environ, [String])
checkSimple env simple = case simple of
Rexp expr -> checkExpr expr
Vdecl typ name expr -> checkVdecl env typ name expr
Return expr -> (Ok, empty, [])
where checkExpr expr = let (t, msg) = checkRExpr env expr
in if t == Error
then (Err, empty, msg)
else (Ok, empty, msg)
checkGroup :: Environ -> [Prog] -> (State, Environ, [String])
checkGroup env progs = (finalState, finalEnv, messages)
where (finalState, finalEnv, messages) = foldl checkSingleProg (Ok, empty, []) progs
checkSingleProg (s, e, msg) prog = (resState, mergeEnv e e', message)
where (s', e', msg') = checkProg (mergeEnv' env finalEnv) prog
message = msg ++ msg'
resState = if s == Err || s' == Err then Err else Ok
checkFdecl :: Environ -> Type -> String -> [(Type, String)] -> Prog -> (State, Environ, [String])
checkFdecl env rTy name params body = (s, putFunc empty name funType, msg)
where funType = Func rTy [t | (t,_) <- params]
paramEnv = (M.fromList [(x, ty) | (ty, x) <- params], M.empty)
baseEnv = mergeEnv paramEnv (putFunc env name funType)
(s, e', msg) = checkProg baseEnv body
checkVdecl :: Environ -> Type -> String -> Rexp -> (State, Environ, [String])
checkVdecl env ty name expr = if t == Error
then (Err, empty, msg)
else if compatible t ty
then (Ok, putVar empty name ty, msg)
else (Err, empty, msg ++ errMsg)
where (t, msg) = checkRExpr env expr
errMsg = ["Incompatible assignment of type: " ++ show t ++ " to a variable of type: " ++ show ty]
checkRExpr env expr = case expr of
Const _-> (Int, [])
Lexp lexp -> checkLExpr env lexp
Call name params -> checkCall env name params
checkLExpr env lexp = if env `hasVar` name
then (getVarType env name, [])
else (Error, ["Undefined identifier: " ++ name])
where (Ident name) = lexp
checkCall env name params = if not $ env `hasFunc` name
then (Error, ["Undefined function: " ++ name])
else let (Func retTy paramsTy) = getFuncType env name
in if length params /= length paramsTy
then (Error, ["wrong number of arguments."])
else if and $ zipWith checkParam paramsTy params
then (retTy, [])
else (Error, ["Wrong type for argument."])
where checkParam typ param = let (t, _) = checkRExpr env param
in compatible t typ
def f() -> int:
return g()
def g() -> int:
return 1
testProg = Group [Fdecl Int "f" [] $ Group [Simple $ Return $ Call "g" []],
Fdecl Int "g" [] $ Group [Simple $ Return $ Const $ Integer 1],
Simple $ Rexp $ Call "f" []]
main = do
let (s,e,msg) = checkProg empty testProg
if s == Ok
then putStrLn "Correct!"
else putStrLn "Error!"
putStrLn $ concatMap (++ "\n") msg
答案 0 :(得分:1)