
时间:2014-03-06 07:16:46

标签: c++ arrays module structure multiplication

我对结构如何运作感到困惑。我想问一下如何通过r [i]将结果编号中的信息存储起来。值商如何初始化?如何通过r [i]将值存储在商/余数中。提前谢谢!

    // File processing + array of structures

    // 1. Create a data file to describe the 
    //    property of a struture
    // 2. Transfer information stored in 1 to an
    //    array of structures
    // 3. Process the array
    // 4. From array to an output file 

    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <ctime>
    #include <iomanip>

    using namespace std;

    // The maximum size of the array
    const int MAX = 100;

    struct RationalNo
        int numer;
        int denom;
        int quotient;
        int remainder;
        float value;

    // Task 1
    void createInputFile (fstream&, const char []);

    // Task 2
    int fileToArray (fstream&, const char [], RationalNo []);

    // Task 3
    void processArray (RationalNo [], int);

    // Task 4
    void arrayToOutfile (const RationalNo [], int, ofstream&, const char []);

    int main ()
        fstream afile;
        char fileName [MAX];

        cout << "Enter file name to be created: ";
        cin >> fileName;

        createInputFile (afile, fileName);

        cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;

        RationalNo r [MAX];

        int size = fileToArray (afile, fileName, r);

        cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;

        processArray (r, size); 

        cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;

        ofstream outfile;

        cout << "Enter array to output file name: ";
        cin >> fileName;

        arrayToOutfile (r, size, outfile, fileName);


    void createInputFile (fstream& afile, const char fileName [])
        afile.open (fileName, ios::out);

        if (!afile)
            cout << fileName << " opened for creation failed" << endl;
            exit (-1);

        cout << "Begin the creation of " << fileName << endl;

        int size = rand () % 51 + 50;

        for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++)
                    afile << rand () << "\t"
                      << rand () + 1 << "\t"
                  << "Rational No " << i
                  << endl;

        afile.close ();
        cout << fileName << " successfully created" << endl;

    int fileToArray (fstream& afile, const char fileName [], RationalNo r [])
        afile.open (fileName, ios::in);

        if (!afile)
           cout << fileName << " open for reading failed" << endl;
           exit (-1);

        cout << "Begin reading of " << fileName << endl;

        int i = 0;

        while (afile >> r [i].numer >> r [i].denom)
           afile.clear ();
           afile.ignore (MAX, '\n');

        afile.close ();
        cout << fileName << " to array done" << endl;

        return i;

    void processArray (RationalNo r [], int size)
        cout << "Begin the process of array" << endl;

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
             r [i].quotient = r [i].numer / r [i].denom;
    r [i].remainder = r [i].numer % r [i].denom;
    r [i].value = 1.0 * r [i].numer / r [i].denom;

        cout << "Array was processed" << endl;

    void arrayToOutfile (const RationalNo r [], int size, 
                ofstream& outfile, const char fileName [])
        outfile.open (fileName);

        if (!outfile)
            cout << fileName << " opend for array transfer failed" << endl;
            exit (-1);

        cout << "Begin from array to " << fileName << endl;

        outfile << fixed << showpoint << setprecision (3);

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            outfile << "Rational no " << i + 1 << ": "
                    << r [i].numer << "\t"
                    << r [i].denom << "\t"
                    << r [i].quotient << "\t"
                    << r [i].remainder << "\t"
                    << r [i].value
            << endl;

        outfile.close ();
        cout << "Array to " << fileName << " done" << endl;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这是面向对象编程如何工作的一部分。 c中的结构只不过是C ++中的类,它的功能很少有修改和补充。结构用于在一个地方存储多个数据类型,以便我们可以通过使用结构的对象来使用它们。 有关详细信息,请查看http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Struct_(C_programming_language)

答案 1 :(得分:1)





r [i].quotient = r [i].numer / r [i].denom;

r代表你的整套“塑料工具拿着东西”。 [i]选择其中一个,.quotient选择“商形孔”。在=的另一边,我们的代码可以从pastic工具架中的numerdenom形状的孔中挑选出来。


afile >> r [i].numer >> r [i].denom

它使用>>的{​​{1}}运算符将数据读入afile(我们的抽屉柜,每个抽屉都是“塑料工具固定物”,选择抽屉编号{ {1}}以及ri“漏洞”。
