
时间:2014-03-05 21:59:46

标签: javascript json angularjs angularjs-filter




var app = angular.module('myapp', [])
.directive("textquestion", function(){
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        template : '<label>{{question.displayText}}<br/><input name="{{question.qstnNo}}" type="text"/></label>',
        scope : { question: '=textquestion' }
.directive("radioquestion", function(){
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        template : '{{question.displayText}}<br/><label ng-repeat="resp in question.demographicResponses"><input  name="{{question.qstnNo}}" type="radio" value="{{resp.respNo}}" /> {{resp.possibleResponse}} </label> ',
        scope : { question: '=radioquestion' }
.directive("multiquestion", function(){
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        template : '{{question.displayText}}<br/><label ng-repeat="resp in question.demographicResponses"><input  name="{{question.qstnNo}}" type="checkbox" value="{{resp.respNo}}" /> {{resp.possibleResponse}} </label>',
        scope : { question: '=multiquestion' }
.directive("selectquestion", function(){
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        template : '{{question.displayText}}<br/><label> <select name="{{question.qstnNo}}"><option ng-repeat="resp in question.demographicResponses" value="{{resp.respNo}}"> {{resp.possibleResponse}}</option></select></label>',
        scope : { question: '=selectquestion' }
.controller('ctrl', function($scope){
    $scope.questions = [
      "displayText":"If you have been provided with a state ID enter it here",


      "displayText":"What is your ethnicity?",
            "possibleResponse":"I prefer not to respond",
      "displayText":"What is your Hispanic origin?",
            "possibleResponse":"Mexican, Mexican, or Chicano",
            "possibleResponse":"Puerto Rican or Puerto Rican American",
            "possibleResponse":"Cuban or Cuban American",

      "displayText":"What is your race? Select all that apply.",
            "possibleResponse":"American Indian or Alaskan Native",
            "possibleResponse":"Black or African American",
            "possibleResponse":"Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander",
            "possibleResponse":"I prefer not to respond",

      "displayText":"Do you communicate better (or as well) in English than in any other language?",

      "displayText":"Which of the following best describes your current employment status?",
            "possibleResponse":"Employed part-time (29 or fewer hours per week)",
            "possibleResponse":"Employed full-time",
            "possibleResponse":"Unemployed (seeking employment)",
            "possibleResponse":"Not in the labor force (homemaker, family caregiver, student, retired )",

      "displayText":"What was the last grade of school that you completed?",
            "possibleResponse":"5th grade or lower",
            "possibleResponse":"6th grade",
            "possibleResponse":"7th grade",
            "possibleResponse":"8th grade",
            "possibleResponse":"9th grade (high school freshman)",
            "possibleResponse":"10th grade (high school sophomore)",
            "possibleResponse":"11th grade (high school junior)",
            "possibleResponse":"12th grade (high school senior)",

      "displayText":"What was the name of last K-12 school you attended?",


      "displayText":"City of last K-12 school attended",



            "possibleResponse":"Don't Know",

      "displayText":"Please indicate the highest level of education completed by your <u>father</u>.",
            "possibleResponse":"Grade school or less",
            "possibleResponse":"Some high school",
            "possibleResponse":"High school",
            "possibleResponse":"Some college/university",
            "possibleResponse":"Associate degree",
            "possibleResponse":"Bachelor's degree",
            "possibleResponse":"Some graduate or professional school or a graduate or professional degree",
            "possibleResponse":"Don't Know",

      "displayText":"What is your primary reason for taking the HiSET? Select the <strong>one</strong> which best applies.",
            "possibleResponse":"Enroll in technical or trade program",
            "possibleResponse":"Enter a 2 year college",

      "displayText":"With 1 being \"No difference\" and 6 being a \"Significant difference\" indicate the extent to which <strong>financial difficulties</strong> have made a difference in your life over the last 12 months.",
            "possibleResponse":"1 - No difference",
            "possibleResponse":"6 - Significant difference",

      "displayText":"With 1 being \"No difference\" and 6 being a \"Significant difference\" indicate the extent to which <strong>legal issues</strong> have made a difference in your life over the last 12 months.",
            "possibleResponse":"1 - No difference",
            "possibleResponse":"6 - Significant difference",

      "displayText":"With 1 being \"No difference\" and 6 being a \"Significant difference\" indicate the extent to which <strong>family obligations</strong> have made a difference in your life over the last 12 months.",
            "possibleResponse":"1 - No difference",
            "possibleResponse":"6 - Significant difference",

      "displayText":"With 1 being \"No difference\" and 6 being a \"Significant difference\" indicate the extent to which <strong>issues with your health</strong> have made a difference in your life over the last 12 months.",
            "possibleResponse":"1 - No difference",
            "possibleResponse":"6 - Significant difference",

      "displayText":"Thinking about yourself: to what extent do you agree with the statement \"I tend to do more than what is expected of me.\"",
            "possibleResponse":"Strongly Disagree",
            "possibleResponse":"Slightly Disagree",
            "possibleResponse":"Slightly Agree",


      "displayText":"Thinking about yourself: to what extent do you agree with the statement \"I tend to give up easily.\"",
            "possibleResponse":"Strongly Disagree",
            "possibleResponse":"Slightly Disagree",
            "possibleResponse":"Slightly Agree",
            "possibleResponse":"Strongly Agree",

      "displayText":"Thinking about yourself: to what extent do you agree with the statement \"I work on tasks until everything is perfect.\"",
            "possibleResponse":"Strongly Disagree",
            "possibleResponse":"Slightly Disagree",
            "possibleResponse":"Slightly Agree",
            "possibleResponse":"Strongly Agree",






0 个答案:
