Private Function getInterval(ByVal Days As Integer) As Integer
Dim now As DateTime = DateTime.Now
' duplicate the current time for use as a working variable
Dim later As DateTime = now
Dim interval As TimeSpan
' Add minutes contained in days to the target time
later = later.AddDays(CDbl(Days))
'subtract the modulo to get the target time days value
later = later.AddDays(CInt(-later.Day Mod Days))
' zero out the seconds in the target time by subtracting the seconds value
' from the target time
later = later.AddMinutes(-later.Minute)
' zero out the seconds in the target time by subtracting the seconds value
' from the target time
later = later.AddSeconds(-later.Second)
' calculate the interval
interval = later - now
' convert the interval to milliseconds and return
' use this interval to set a timer value to trigger at the
' desired time.
getInterval = CInt((interval.Days * 86400000) + (interval.Hours * 3600000) + (interval.Minutes * 60000) + (interval.Seconds * 1000))
End Function
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Timer1.Interval = getInterval(Val(TextBox1.Text))
End Sub