function initialize() {
var minZoomLevel = 4;
var zooms = 7;
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
geocode = new google.maps.Geocoder();
// Used to Set the Center of the Maps on the Logged User
$.getJSON('/Dashboard/LoadAddress', function Geocoding(address) {
$.each(address, function () {
customerlocationID = this["ID"];
var currValAddress = this["AddressLine1"];
var Latitude = this["Latitude"];
var Longitude = this["Longitude"];
LatLang = new google.maps.LatLng(Latitude, Longitude);
var addresse = {
zoom: 16,
center: LatLang,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), addresse);
var link = $('<input type="radio" name="a"/><label>'+ currValAddress+'</label>').data('location', LatLang);
$('#initialPlace').append($('<li id=\'List\' class=\'List\'>').append(link));
link.on('click', function (event) {
var $t = $(event.target);
if ($t.hasClass('checked')) {
$('input[type="radio"][name="' + $t.prop('name') + '"]').not($t).removeClass('checked');
// Bounds for North America
var strictBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(
new google.maps.LatLng(15.70, -160.50),
new google.maps.LatLng(68.85, -55.90));
// Listen for the dragend event
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'dragend', function () {
if (strictBounds.contains(map.getCenter())) return;
// We're out of bounds - Move the map back within the bounds
var c = map.getCenter(),
x = c.lng(),
y = c.lat(),
maxX = strictBounds.getNorthEast().lng(),
maxY = strictBounds.getNorthEast().lat(),
minX = strictBounds.getSouthWest().lng(),
minY = strictBounds.getSouthWest().lat();
if (x < minX) x = minX;
if (x > maxX) x = maxX;
if (y < minY) y = minY;
if (y > maxY) y = maxY;
map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(y, x));
// Limit the zoom level
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'zoom_changed', function () {
if (map.getZoom() < minZoomLevel) map.setZoom(minZoomLevel);
if (customerlocationID != 0) {
codeAddress(customerlocationID, Rad);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
google.maps.event.addDomListener(document.getElementById([your radio button id]), 'click', function() {
google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize'); // or whatever