我在我的扩展程序中利用了Google Chrome的omnibox API。
当前的用户,包括我自己,已经注意到多功能框在完成一个未确定状态或一段时间后完全停止响应。键入单词以触发进入" omnibox"停止有任何效果,URL栏不会转换为多功能框模式。
重新启动Google Chrome并不能解决问题,但通过取消选中然后重新检查已启用的'来重新启动我的插件。 chrome://扩展程序上的复选框确实解决了问题。
// Displays streamus search suggestions and allows instant playing in the stream
], function (StreamItems, Video, YouTubeV2API, Utility) {
'use strict';
console.log("Omnibox LOADED", chrome.omnibox);
var Omnibox = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: function () {
return {
suggestedVideos: [],
searchJqXhr: null
initialize: function () {
console.log("Omnibox INITIALIZED");
var self = this;
// TODO: i18n
description: 'Press enter to play.'
// User has started a keyword input session by typing the extension's keyword. This is guaranteed to be sent exactly once per input session, and before any onInputChanged events.
chrome.omnibox.onInputChanged.addListener(function (text, suggest) {
// Clear suggested videos
self.get('suggestedVideos').length = 0;
var trimmedSearchText = $.trim(text);
// Clear suggestions if there is no text.
if (trimmedSearchText === '') {
} else {
// Do not display results if searchText was modified while searching, abort old request.
var previousSearchJqXhr = self.get('searchJqXhr');
if (previousSearchJqXhr) {
self.set('searchJqXhr', null);
var searchJqXhr = YouTubeV2API.search({
text: trimmedSearchText,
// Omnibox can only show 6 results
maxResults: 6,
success: function(videoInformationList) {
self.set('searchJqXhr', null);
var suggestions = self.buildSuggestions(videoInformationList, trimmedSearchText);
self.set('searchJqXhr', searchJqXhr);
chrome.omnibox.onInputEntered.addListener(function (text) {
// Find the cached video data by url
var pickedVideo = _.find(self.get('suggestedVideos'), function(suggestedVideo) {
return suggestedVideo.get('url') === text;
// If the user doesn't make a selection (commonly when typing and then just hitting enter on their query)
// take the best suggestion related to their text.
if (pickedVideo === undefined) {
pickedVideo = self.get('suggestedVideos')[0];
StreamItems.addByVideo(pickedVideo, true);
buildSuggestions: function(videoInformationList, text) {
var self = this;
var suggestions = _.map(videoInformationList, function (videoInformation) {
var video = new Video({
videoInformation: videoInformation
var safeTitle = _.escape(video.get('title'));
var textStyleRegExp = new RegExp(Utility.escapeRegExp(text), "i");
var styledTitle = safeTitle.replace(textStyleRegExp, '<match>$&</match>');
var description = '<dim>' + video.get('prettyDuration') + "</dim> " + styledTitle;
return {
content: video.get('url'),
description: description
return suggestions;
return new Omnibox();