如何使用AppleScript在OS X中的“提醒”应用中修改选定的提醒

时间:2014-03-04 00:00:31

标签: applescript reminders


tell application "System Events" to set FrontAppName to name of first process where frontmost is true
if FrontAppName is "Reminders" then
    tell application "Reminders"
        set duedate to (current date) + (2 * days)
        make new reminder with properties {name:"New Reminder", due date:duedate}
    end tell
    display dialog "failed to make new reminder!"
end if


tell application "System Events" to set FrontAppName to name of first process where frontmost is true
if FrontAppName is "Reminders" then
    tell application "Reminders"
        set currentReminder to current reminder
        set due date of currentReminder to current date
    end tell
    display dialog "failed to make new reminder!"
end if

添加截止日期(不提醒我的日期)已经成为OS X社区中一段时间​​要求的功能,我想为此做一个合理的解决方法。目前设置它并不简单,不知道为什么。查看论坛帖子,例如: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4142949?start=0&tstart=0 https://discussions.apple.com/message/24428695#24428695


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


tell application "Reminders"
-- select a reminder modified in the last 5 minutes
        set thisReminder to last reminder whose modification date is greater than ((current date) - 300)
    on error
-- if not one, then select the last reminder in a particular list
        set thisReminder to last reminder of (first list whose name is "Office") whose completed is false  -- can leave off the list filter to just get last created reminder
    end try
end tell

set due date of thisReminder……


答案 1 :(得分:-1)


tell application "Reminders"
    set myRemList to every reminder as list
    set myReminder to item -1 of myRemList
    set due date of myReminder to (current date) + (2 * days)
end tell