我知道这是因为我没有选择\ n字符,我在服务器上添加了另一个\ n字符。但如果我选择了客户端,那么一切都在一条线上。因此,服务器(无论是否添加换行符)都会在一行中输出所有内容,因为它只接收一行。如果我在服务器端选择,我会得到一个空的文本文件......这让我很困惑。
Use of uninitialized value $data in concatenation (.) or string at ./tcp_server.pl line 51, <GEN2> line 14.
# Flushing to STDOUT after each write
$| = 1;
use warnings;
use strict;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use v5.10;
# Server side information
my $listen_port = '7070';
my $protocal = 'tcp';
# Finds IP address of host machine
# Connects to example site on HTTP
my $ip_finder = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr=> "www.google.com",
PeerPort=> 80,
Proto => "tcp"
) or die "The IP can not be resolved: $!\n";
# The found IP address of Host
my $ip_address = $ip_finder->sockhost;
# Creating socket for server
my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new (
LocalPort => $listen_port,
Proto => $protocal,
Listen => 5,
Reuse => 1,
) or die "Socket could not be created, failed with error: $!\n"; # Prints error code
print "Socket created using IP: $ip_address\n";
print "Waiting for client connection on port $listen_port\n";
# Accept connection
my $client_socket = $server->accept();
open(my $fh, ">out")
or die "File can not be opened: $!";
while($client_socket) {
# Retrieve client information
my $client_address = $client_socket->peerhost();
my $client_port = $client_socket->peerport();
print "Client accepted: $client_address, $client_port\n";
my $data = <$client_socket>;
print $fh "$data\n";
close $fh;
# Flushing to STDOUT after each write
$| = 1;
use warnings;
use strict;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use v5.10;
# Client side information
# Works by setting $dest to server address, needs to be on same domain
# my $dest = '<IP goes here>';
# my $dest = '<IP goes here>';
my $dest = '<host>.cselabs.umn.edu';
my $port = '7070';
my $protocal = 'tcp';
my $client = IO::Socket::INET->new (
PeerHost => $dest,
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => $protocol,
) or die "Socket could not be created, failed with error: $!\n"; # Prints error code
print "TCP connection established!\n";
open(my $fh, "<test")
or die "Can't open: $!";
while(my $line = <$fh>) {
print $client $line;
close $fh;
# sleep(10);
答案 0 :(得分:1)
while (read($client_socket, my $data, 8192)) {
print $fh $data;