在google drive android中的文件夹中创建一个文件夹

时间:2014-03-03 06:43:45

标签: android google-api google-drive-api google-drive-android-api

我想将Google驱动器与我在Google Developers Console中注册我的应用的应用集成。我从https://github.com/googledrive/android-demos获得了一个示例。通过这个我可以在Google驱动器的根文件夹中创建一个文件,但问题是我无法在现有文件夹中创建文件或文件夹。在这种情况下,我得到一个祝酒词“找不到DriveId。您是否有权查看此文件?”即我无法获得driveID

public class CreateFolderInFolderActivity extends BaseDemoActivity {

public void onConnected(Bundle connectionHint) {
    Drive.DriveApi.fetchDriveId(getGoogleApiClient(), EXISTING_FOLDER_ID)

final ResultCallback<DriveIdResult> idCallback = new ResultCallback<DriveIdResult>() {
    public void onResult(DriveIdResult result) {
        if (!result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
            showMessage("Cannot find DriveId. Are you authorized to view this file?");
        DriveFolder folder = Drive.DriveApi
                .getFolder(getGoogleApiClient(), result.getDriveId());
        MetadataChangeSet changeSet = new MetadataChangeSet.Builder()
        folder.createFolder(getGoogleApiClient(), changeSet)

final ResultCallback<DriveFolderResult> createFolderCallback = new
        ResultCallback<DriveFolderResult>() {

    public void onResult(DriveFolderResult result) {
        if (!result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
            showMessage("Problem while trying to create a folder");
        showMessage("Folder successfully created");

我找不到任何适当的文件。 Plz帮助我在哪里出错或者我是否必须包含任何其他权限

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


新版Google云端硬盘Android API(GDAA)中有3种不同的驱动器ID实体

  1. DriveID类型的对象 - 您从方法中获取并在代码中使用的对象
  2. encodeToString()获取的字符串并传递给 decodeFromString() - 用于保存在应用内(例如缓存)
  3. getResourceId()获取的字符串,并传递给 fetchDriveId() - 您在文件的html地址中看到的字符串。
  4. 2和3标识符都是字符串,因此可能会混淆。检索驱动器ID时,标识符2更快(通过decodeFromString())。标识符3的检索速度较慢(通过fetchDriveId()),但如果您需要在其他位置使用您的ID(例如,应用程序脚本),则会很有用。

    另请参阅:SO 21800257

答案 1 :(得分:1)



答案 2 :(得分:0)



然后运行搜索查询以获取create public static ArrayList<ContentValues> search(String prnId, String titl, String mime) { ArrayList<ContentValues> gfs = new ArrayList<>(); if (mGOOSvc != null && mConnected) try { // add query conditions, build query String qryClause = "'me' in owners and "; if (prnId != null) qryClause += "'" + prnId + "' in parents and "; if (titl != null) qryClause += "title = '" + titl + "' and "; if (mime != null) qryClause += "mimeType = '" + mime + "' and "; qryClause = qryClause.substring(0, qryClause.length() - " and ".length()); Drive.Files.List qry = mGOOSvc.files().list().setQ(qryClause) .setFields("items(id,mimeType,labels/trashed,title),nextPageToken"); String npTok = null; if (qry != null) do { FileList gLst = qry.execute(); if (gLst != null) { for (File gFl : gLst.getItems()) { if (gFl.getLabels().getTrashed()) continue; gfs.add( UT.newCVs(gFl.getTitle(), gFl.getId(), gFl.getMimeType())); } //else UT.lg("failed " + gFl.getTitle()); npTok = gLst.getNextPageToken(); qry.setPageToken(npTok); } } while (npTok != null && npTok.length() > 0); //UT.lg("found " + vlss.size()); } catch (Exception e) { UT.le(e); } return gfs; }


获取文件夹ID时使用此代码在文件夹`public static ParentReference insertFileIntoFolder(Drive service,String folderId,                                                         String folderName)抛出IOException {

// Log.e(“founddd”,id);             文件fileMetadata = new File();             fileMetadata.setParents(Collections.singletonList(new ParentReference()。setId(folderId == null?“root”:folderId)));             fileMetadata.setTitle(FOLDERNAME);             fileMetadata.setMimeType( “应用程序/ vnd.google-apps.folder”);

        File file  = mGOOSvc.files().insert(fileMetadata).execute();

        System.out.println("Folder ID: " + file.getId());
        strChildFolder = file.getId();

    return null;