class RESTAPI():
def __init__(self, client, path):
self.client = client
self.path = path
def sendRequest(self, method, path):
return self.client.sendRequest(method, self.path + path)
from webiopi.utils import LOGGER, PYTHON_MAJOR, encodeCredentials
from webiopi.protocols.coap import COAPClient, COAPGet, COAPPost, COAPPut, COAPDelete
import http.client as httplib
import httplib
class PiMixedClient():
def __init__(self, host, port=8000, coap=5683): = host
if coap > 0:
self.coapport = coap
self.coapclient = COAPClient()
self.coapclient = None
if port > 0:
self.httpclient = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port)
self.httpclient = None
self.forceHttp = False
self.coapfailure = 0
self.maxfailure = 2
self.auth= None;
def setCredentials(self, login, password):
self.auth = "Basic " + encodeCredentials(login, password)
def sendRequest(self, method, uri):
if self.coapclient != None and not self.forceHttp:
if method == "GET":
response = self.coapclient.sendRequest(COAPGet("coap://%s:%d%s" % (, self.coapport, uri)))
elif method == "POST":
response = self.coapclient.sendRequest(COAPPost("coap://%s:%d%s" % (, self.coapport, uri)))
if response:
return str(response.payload)
elif self.httpclient != None:
self.coapfailure += 1
print("No CoAP response, fall-back to HTTP")
if (self.coapfailure > self.maxfailure):
self.forceHttp = True
self.coapfailure = 0
print("Too many CoAP failure forcing HTTP")
if self.httpclass RESTAPI():
def __init__(self, client, path):
self.client = client
self.path = path
def sendRequest(self, method, path):
return self.client.sendRequest(method, self.path + path) != None:
headers = {}
if self.auth != None:
headers["Authorization"] = self.auth
self.httpclient.request(method, uri, None, headers)
response = self.httpclient.getresponse()
if response.status == 200:
data =
return data
elif response.status == 401:
raise Exception("Missing credentials")
raise Exception("Unhandled HTTP Response %d %s" % (response.status, response.reason))
raise Exception("No data received")
class PiHttpClient(PiMixedClient):
def __init__(self, host, port=8000):
PiMixedClient.__init__(self, host, port, -1)
class PiCoapClient(PiMixedClient):
def __init__(self, host, port=5683):
PiMixedClient.__init__(self, host, -1, port)
class PiMulticastClient(PiMixedClient):
def __init__(self, port=5683):
PiMixedClient.__init__(self, "", -1, port)
class RESTAPI():
def __init__(self, client, path):
self.client = client
self.path = path
def sendRequest(self, method, path):
return self.client.sendRequest(method, self.path + path)
class Macro(RESTAPI):
def __init__(self, client, name):
RESTAPI.__init__(self, client, "/macros/" + name + "/")
def call(self, *args):
values = ",".join(["%s" % i for i in args])
if values == None:
values = ""
return self.sendRequest("POST", values)
class Device(RESTAPI):
def __init__(self, client, name, category):
RESTAPI.__init__(self, client, "/devices/" + name + "/" + category)
class GPIO(Device):
def __init__(self, client, name):
Device.__init__(self, client, name, "digital")
def getFunction(self, channel):
return self.sendRequest("GET", "/%d/function" % channel)
def setFunction(self, channel, func):
return self.sendRequest("POST", "/%d/function/%s" % (channel, func))
def digitalRead(self, channel):
return int(self.sendRequest("GET", "/%d/value" % channel))
def digitalWrite(self, channel, value):
return int(self.sendRequest("POST", "/%d/value/%d" % (channel, value)))
def portRead(self):
return int(self.sendRequest("GET", "/integer"))
def portWrite(self, value):
return int(self.sendRequest("POST", "/integer/%d" % value))
class NativeGPIO(GPIO):
def __init__(self, client):
RESTAPI.__init__(self, client, "/GPIO")
class ADC(Device):
def __init__(self, client, name):
Device.__init__(self, client, name, "analog")
def read(self, channel):
return float(self.sendRequest("GET", "/%d/integer" % channel))
def readFloat(self, channel):
return float(self.sendRequest("GET", "/%d/float" % channel))
def readVolt(self, channel):
return float(self.sendRequest("GET", "/%d/volt" % channel))
class DAC(ADC):
def __init__(self, client, name):
Device.__init__(self, client, name, "analog")
def write(self, channel, value):
return float(self.sendRequest("POST", "/%d/integer/%d" % (channel, value)))
def writeFloat(self, channel, value):
return float(self.sendRequest("POST", "/%d/float/%f" % (channel, value)))
def writeVolt(self, channel, value):
return float(self.sendRequest("POST", "/%d/volt/%f" % (channel, value)))
class PWM(DAC):
def __init__(self, client, name):
Device.__init__(self, client, name, "pwm")
def readAngle(self, channel, value):
return float(self.sendRequest("GET", "/%d/angle" % (channel)))
def writeAngle(self, channel, value):
return float(self.sendRequest("POST", "/%d/angle/%f" % (channel, value)))
class Sensor(Device):
def __init__(self, client, name):
Device.__init__(self, client, name, "sensor")
class Temperature(Sensor):
def getKelvin(self):
return float(self.sendRequest("GET", "/temperature/k"))
def getCelsius(self):
return float(self.sendRequest("GET", "/temperature/c"))
def getFahrenheit(self):
return float(self.sendRequest("GET", "/temperature/f"))
class Pressure(Sensor):
def getPascal(self):
return float(self.sendRequest("GET", "/pressure/pa"))
def getHectoPascal(self):
return float(self.sendRequest("GET", "/pressure/hpa"))
class Luminosity(Sensor):
def getLux(self):
return float(self.sendRequest("GET", "/luminosity/lux"))
class Distance(Sensor):
def getMillimeter(self):
return float(self.sendRequest("GET", "/distance/mm"))
def getCentimeter(self):
return float(self.sendRequest("GET", "/distance/cm"))
def getInch(self):
return float(self.sendRequest("GET", "/distance/in"))