let a = [|2;4;6;9;12|];;
let binary_search array size x =
let n = size-1 in
let p = ref 0 in
let r = ref n in
while (!p <= !r) do
let q = (!p + !r)/2;
if array.(q) = x
then raise ((Found_It (q));)
else if (array.(q) <> x) && (array.(q) > x)
then (r := q - 1;)
else if array.(q) < x
then (p := q + 1;)
else -1;;
exception Found_It of int;;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您的问题是您在首先定义之前使用了例外。将exception Found_It ...
行移到let binary_search ...
答案 1 :(得分:0)
异常Found_It of int ;; (*这里我们声明一个“异常”。这是一个特殊的工具,可以让我们打破循环。) (此特殊异常采用整数作为参数。*)
让binary_search数组大小为x = 设n = size-1 in(*让不可变变量n存储数组的最终索引) 让p = ref 0 in(让minpoint q等于0 ) 令r = ref n in(让maxpoint r等于n *)
while !p <= !r do
let q = ref ((!p + !r)/2) in (* calculate the midpoint for roughly equal partition *)
print_int !q; print_string " ";
if array.(!q) = x (* if x is found at index p *)
then raise (Found_It (!q)) (* then break the loop with Found_It, which "carries" the value of q with it *)
else if array.(!q) > x (* otherwise if q <> x and q > x *)
then r := !q - 1 (*change r index to search lower subarray*)
else p := !q + 1 (* otherwise if q < x change p index to search upper lower subarra *)
done; (* that's the end of the loop *)
(* so if we reach the end of the loop, output -1 for "Not found" *)
with Found_It(x) - &gt; X;; (*如果我们用q打破了循环,输出q *)