
时间:2014-02-28 18:35:23

标签: arrays matlab

作为MATLAB中的新手,我发现自己总是采用类似C ++的循环,而不是利用基于矩阵的操作。我今天遇到了另一个问题。


Table 1

1 2.56
2 7.4
3 7.7
100 83.4

Table 2

1 7.1
3 1.4
4 4.4
76 7.2

尽管行大小不同,但这两个表实际上共享一些公共ID。 现在我希望形成一个大小为Nx3的新单元格数组,其中N是公共ID的数量,第一列和第二列是表1和表2中的值,分别。即。

New Table

1 2.56 7.1
3 7.7 1.4


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


A = [1 2.56;2 7.4;3 7.7];
B = [1 7.1; 3 1.4;4 4.4];

[C, ia, ib] = intersect(A(:,1),B(:,1));

D = [A(ia,:), B(ib,2:end)]

答案 1 :(得分:2)


A = [1 2.56;
     2  7.4;
     3  7.7];
B = [1  7.1;
     3  1.4;
     4  4.4];

[tf,locb] = ismember(A(:,1),B(:,1))




在输入排序时,请考虑>> C = [A(tf,:) B(locb(tf),2:end)] C = 1.0000 2.5600 7.1000 3.0000 7.7000 1.4000 ismember之间的速度差异。小数据:


虽然N = 1e5; A = [(1:N).' rand(N,1)]; B = [(1:N).' rand(N,1)]; >> tic; [tf,locb] = ismember(A(:,1),B(:,1)); toc Elapsed time is 0.013419 seconds. >> tic; [C, ia, ib] = intersect(A(:,1),B(:,1)); toc Elapsed time is 0.050618 seconds. 的速度要快几倍,但小数据没有什么大优势。但是,对于大型排序数据集,请使用ismember


注意:如果您想真正利用先验有关已排序输入的知识,可以undocumented function called ismembc跳过对N = 1e7; A = [(1:N).' rand(N,1)]; B = [(1:N).' rand(N,1)]; >> tic; [tf,locb] = ismember(A(:,1),B(:,1)); toc Elapsed time is 0.892977 seconds. >> tic; [C, ia, ib] = intersect(A(:,1),B(:,1)); toc Elapsed time is 5.925537 seconds. 的调用,使其更快比issorted。另请参阅here

答案 2 :(得分:1)


C1 = {1 2.56; 2 7.4; 3 7.7; 100 83.4};
C2 = {1 7.1; 3 1.4; 4 4.4; 76 7.2}; %// example data. Two-column cell arrays

comp = bsxfun(@eq, [C1{:,1}], [C2{:,1}].'); %'// test all pairs for equality
ind1 = any(comp,1); %// values of first col of C1 that coincide with some in C2
ind2 = any(comp,2); %// values of first col of C2 that coincide with some in C1
result = horzcat(C1(ind1,1), C1(ind1,2), C2(ind2,2)); %// build result


  • [C1{:,1}]用于将单元格数组C1的第一列转换为(数字)行向量。 Here这就是为什么会有效。
  • any的第二个参数指定了它所依据的维度。
  • ind1ind2logical indices



C1 = [1 2.56; 2 7.4; 3 7.7; 100 83.4];
C2 = [1 7.1; 3 1.4; 4 4.4; 76 7.2]; %// example data. Two-column matrices

comp = bsxfun(@eq, C1(:,1).', C2(:,1)); %'// test all pairs for equality
ind1 = any(comp,1); %// values of first col of C1 that coincide with some in C2
ind2 = any(comp,2); %// values of first col of C2 that coincide with some in C1
result = [C1(ind1,1) C1(ind1,2) C2(ind2,2)]; %// build result

答案 3 :(得分:0)

传统上,我认为@ ysakamto的答案是最好的。但是,如果您使用较新版本的Matlab(去年?),他们会添加table数据类型,该数据类型支持SQL类型的操作,例如join