使用pygithub3 for Python获取存储库信息

时间:2014-02-28 00:05:43

标签: python github github-api


from pygithub3 import Github

username = raw_input("Please enter a Github username: ")
password = raw_input("Please enter the account password: ")

gh = Github(login=username, password = password)

get_user = gh.users.get()

user_repos = gh.repos.list().all().language

print user_repos


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


from pygithub3 import Github

username = raw_input("Please enter a Github username: ")
password = raw_input("Please enter the account password: ")

gh = Github(login=username, password = password)

get_user = gh.users.get()

user_repos = gh.repos.list().all()

for repo in user_repos:
    print repo.language

答案 1 :(得分:0)


from pygithub3 import Github

#declare variables
python = 0
cplusplus = 0
javascript = 0
ruby = 0
java = 0

#user input
username = raw_input("Please enter your Github username: ")
password = raw_input("Please enter your account password: ")

user = raw_input("Please enter the requested Github username: ")

#Connect to github
gh = Github(login=username, password = password)

get_user = gh.users.get(user)

user_repos = gh.repos.list(user = user).all()

#Count language in each repo
for repo in user_repos:

if repo.language == "Python":
    python = python + 1

elif repo.language == "JavaScript":
    javascript = javascript + 1

elif repo.language == "Ruby":
    ruby = ruby + 1

elif repo.language == "C++":
    cplusplus = cplusplus + 1

elif repo.language == "Java":
    java = java + 1

#Print results
print "Number of Python repositories: " + str(python)
print "Number of Javascript repositories: " + str(javascript)
print "Number of Ruby repositories: " + str(ruby)
print "Number of C++ repositories: " + str(cplusplus)
print "Number of Java repositories: " + str(java)