我上面有一个小div(悬停)一个大的 我将onmouseover和onmouseout事件分配给包装器div 对于图像标题翻转动画。
- 我出去了 -
- 我结束了 -
如何让它发挥作用? (没有jquery )
if (!eventHandle) var eventHandle = window.event;
var srcEle = eventHandle.srcElement.id;
if(srcEle=="imageDescription" ){
答案 0 :(得分:5)
This article会解释您遇到的问题以及可能对您有帮助的脚本。关于鼠标事件也有很多跨浏览器信息
好的,这是一些有效的代码。我不保证这是最有效的,或者它不会导致IE中的内存泄漏(或者它在IE中工作 - 请告诉我)。这就是为什么人们使用库,更安全,更容易。
// a general purpose, cross browser event adder
// returns a function that if run removes the event
function addEvent( el, eventType, handler, capturing ) {
if( el.addEventListener ) {
el.addEventListener( eventType, handler, capturing || false );
var removeEvent = function() { el.removeEventListener( eventType, handler, capturing || false ) };
} else if( el.attachEvent ) {
var fn = function() {
handler.call( el, normalise( window.event ) );
el.attachEvent( 'on'+eventType, fn );
var removeEvent = function(){ el.detachEvent( 'on'+eventType, fn ) };
function normalise( e ) {
e.target = e.srcElement;
e.relatedTarget = e.toElement;
e.preventDefault = function(){ e.returnValue = false };
e.stopPropagation = function(){ e.cancelBubble = true };
return e;
return removeEvent;
// adds mouseover and mouseout event handlers to a dom element
// mouseover and out events on child elements are ignored by this element
// returns a function that when run removes the events
// you need to send in both handlers - an empty function will do
function addMouseOverOutEvents( element, overHandler, outHandler ) {
function out( e ) {
var fromEl = e.target;
var toEl = e.relatedTarget;
// if the mouseout didn't originate at our element we can ignore it
if( fromEl != element ) return;
// if the element we rolled onto is a child of our element we can ignore it
while( toEl ) {
toEl = toEl.parentNode;
if( toEl == element ) return;
outHandler.call( element, e );
function over( e ) {
var toEl = e.target;
var fromEl = e.relatedTarget;
// if the mouseover didn't originate at our element we can ignore it
if( toEl != element ) return;
// if the element we rolled from is a child of our element we can ignore it
while( fromEl ) {
fromEl = fromEl.parentNode;
if( fromEl == element ) return;
overHandler.call( element, e );
var killers = [];
killers.push( addEvent( element, 'mouseover', over ) );
killers.push( addEvent( element, 'mouseout', out ) );
return function() {
// add the events
var remover = addMouseOverOutEvents(
document.getElementById( 'elementId' ),
function( e ) {
this.style.background = 'red';
console.log( 'rolled in: '+e.target.id );
function( e ) {
this.style.background = 'blue'
console.log( 'rolled out: '+e.target.id );
//remove the events