我正在尝试使用chrome'visument'&gt;&gt;'console'中的javscript从html <table>
// 'mypage' contains 13 pages of tabular data. Each page is accessed with '&page='
var page = "mypage/?q=&page=";
var pages = 13;
var arr = [];
// loop through all pages
for( var i=1; i<=pages; i++){
// this opens the next page on browser but the data corresponds to page 1
var doc = window.open(page + i,"_top").document;
var table = $(doc).find("table tbody")[0];
// loops through each row of the table and takes only column 6
$(table).find('tr').each( function() {
var row = $(this).find('td');
// do something with arr, but it only contains page=1 data repeated 13 times.