我的问题是SD卡上的SPI接口在继续使用期间停止响应。 我使用以下arduino mega shield http://pcb.daince.net/doku.php?id=data_logger 和“金士顿MicroSDHC 4GB安全数字卡,66X”存储
#include "SPI.h"
#include <SD.h>
#include "Wire.h"
//Static definitions
#define ADG509_A0_pin 39
#define ADG509_A1_pin 38
#define SS_DAC_pin 53
#define voltage_analog_pin 11
#define current_analog_pin 12
#define led 13
#define DS1307_ADDRESS 0x68
#define chip_select 53
//Adjustable definitions
#define ADC_to_voltage 1/213 // the value for converting the arduino ADC to voltage
#define number_of_samples 100 //number of measurements, should be able to be divided by 4 without giving decimals
#define time_per_data_set 500 //the delay between datasets in milisecondss, note the the "delay = system_computation_time + time_per_data_set"
#define current_gain_ratio 2 //the realtion between the voltage level on the pin and current on from the solar pannel
#define voltage_gain_ratio 10 //the realtion between the voltage level on the pin and the voltage level from the solar panel
#define number_samples_per_measurement 5 //the number of ADC readings used to make an average of each measuring point, note this number greatly effects sweeping time
#define delay_per_measurement 1
void set_DAC(float value); // gets an input between 0.0 and 5.0 and sets the voltage to the value
void write_measurement_to_SD(float current, float voltage, int number); //writes the numbers to the SD card if initialized
void write_to_file(); //check is a new SD card file should be created and makes it ef nessesary. Also handles the data writing to the file
void get_time(); //Get the current time of the system, and store them in global variables
int bcdToDec(byte val); //Converts bytes to decimals numbers
char intToChar(int val, int number); //Converts integers to chars, only exept up to 2 dicimals
word output_word_for_DAC = 0; //used to type cast input of set_DAC to word before usage
byte data = 0; //temp variable need for DAC, it is the byte send over the communication
float volt; //stores a temporary voltage measurement
float current; //stores a temporary current measurement
float current_level; //stores the short curciut current level, it is used to find the optimal placement for measuring points
char filename[13] = "F0000000.txt"; //stores the current active filename for writing on the SD card
File dataFile; //the current version of the datafile on the SD card
int years, months, monthsDay, weekDay, hours, minute, seconds; //global varibles used to store the last time reading
float current_array[number_of_samples]; //used to store all current measurements points during sweep
float voltage_array[number_of_samples]; //used to store all voltage measurements points during sweep
int typecast_int; // used for typecasting float to int
int last_measurement_time;
int is_SDcard_there;
void setup() {
pinMode(ADG509_A0_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ADG509_A1_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(SS_DAC_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
digitalWrite(ADG509_A1_pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(ADG509_A0_pin, LOW);
SPI.begin(); // start up the SPI bus
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {;}
Serial.print("Initializing SD card...");
if (!SD.begin(chip_select)) {
Serial.println("Card failed, or not present");
is_SDcard_there = 0;
Serial.println("card initialized.");
is_SDcard_there = 1;
void loop() {
//finding the shortcurcuit current of the solar panel
last_measurement_time = seconds;
set_DAC(5); //open fet
current_level = analogRead(current_analog_pin);
for(float counter2 = 0; counter2 < 10; counter2++){
current_level += analogRead(current_analog_pin);
current_level = (current_level/10)* 1.1 * ADC_to_voltage;
//fully opening the fet to insure that the solar pannel is stable at max voltage before beginning the sweep
set_DAC(0); //ground fet
if(is_SDcard_there == 1){
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
//sweeping the first 80% current on the curve with 25% of the measuring points
//note no calculations should be put in here, since it slow the sweep down
for(float counter = 0; counter < number_of_samples * 0.25; counter++){
set_DAC((counter*current_level * 0.80) / (number_of_samples * 0.25));
current = analogRead(current_analog_pin);
volt = analogRead(voltage_analog_pin);
for(float counter2 = 0; counter2 < number_samples_per_measurement - 1; counter2++){
current += analogRead(current_analog_pin);
volt += analogRead(voltage_analog_pin);
current = current / number_samples_per_measurement;
volt = volt / number_samples_per_measurement;
typecast_int = counter;
current_array[typecast_int] = current;
voltage_array[typecast_int] = volt;
//sweeping the last 20% current on the curve with 75% of the measuring points
//note no calculations should be put in here, since it slow the sweep down
for(float counter = 0; counter < number_of_samples * 0.75; counter++){
set_DAC(current_level * 0.80 + (counter*current_level * 0.20) / (number_of_samples * 0.75));
current = analogRead(current_analog_pin);
volt = analogRead(voltage_analog_pin);
for(float counter2 = 0; counter2 < number_samples_per_measurement - 1; counter2++){
current += analogRead(current_analog_pin);
volt += analogRead(voltage_analog_pin);
current = current / number_samples_per_measurement;
volt = volt / number_samples_per_measurement;
typecast_int = counter + number_of_samples * 0.25;
current_array[typecast_int] = current;
voltage_array[typecast_int] = volt;
set_DAC(5); //sets DAC high to prepare for next short curcuit measurement
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
//converting data to desired values and writing them to the file
String to_write = "";
int check;
char buffer[20];
to_write = "0,0,-2";
to_write += '\r';
to_write += '\n';
to_write += "0,";
to_write += intToChar(minute,0);
to_write += intToChar(minute,1);
to_write += intToChar(seconds,0);
to_write += intToChar(seconds,1);
to_write += ",-1";
to_write += '\r';
to_write += '\n';
for(int counter = 0; counter < number_of_samples-1; counter++){
to_write += dtostrf(current_array[counter] = current_array[counter] * ADC_to_voltage * current_gain_ratio, 0, 2, buffer);
to_write += ",";
to_write += dtostrf(voltage_array[counter] = voltage_array[counter] * ADC_to_voltage * voltage_gain_ratio, 0, 2, buffer);
to_write += ",";
to_write += counter;
to_write += '\r';
to_write += '\n';
to_write += dtostrf(current_array[99] = current_array[99] * ADC_to_voltage * current_gain_ratio, 0, 2, buffer);
to_write += ",";
to_write += dtostrf(voltage_array[99] = voltage_array[99] * ADC_to_voltage * voltage_gain_ratio, 0, 2, buffer);
to_write += ",99";
Serial.println(to_write); //should only be used for debugging since it slow down the system to much
compute_filename(); //initialize a new filename if needed
check = 0;
while(check == 0 && is_SDcard_there == 1){
dataFile = SD.open(filename,FILE_WRITE);
check = dataFile.println(to_write);
if (dataFile){
//wait for next seconds
while(last_measurement_time + delay_per_measurement > seconds){
if(seconds < last_measurement_time){seconds = seconds + 60;}
// gets an input between 0.0 and 5.0 and sets the voltage to the value
void set_DAC(float value){
if(value <= 5){
value = value*819;
int conveter = value;
output_word_for_DAC = conveter;
digitalWrite(SS_DAC_pin, LOW);
data = highByte(output_word_for_DAC);
data = 0b00001111 & data;
data = 0b00110000 | data;
data = lowByte(output_word_for_DAC);
digitalWrite(SS_DAC_pin, HIGH);
//writes the numbers to the SD card if initialized
void write_measurement_to_SD(float current, float voltage, int number){
dataFile = SD.open(filename,FILE_WRITE);
if (dataFile){
//Converts bytes to decimals numbers
int bcdToDec(byte val){
return ( (val/16*10) + (val%16) );
//Converts integers to chars, only exept up to 2 dicimals
char intToChar(int val, int number){ // note it only take ints with 2 digits
String tempString = "";
char returnValue[3];
if(val < 10){
tempString += 0;
tempString += val;
return returnValue[number];
//Get the current time of the system, and store them in global variables
void get_time(){
byte zero = 0x00;
Wire.requestFrom(DS1307_ADDRESS, 7);
seconds = bcdToDec(Wire.read());
minute = bcdToDec(Wire.read());
hours = bcdToDec(Wire.read() & 0b111111); //24 hours time
weekDay = bcdToDec(Wire.read()); //0-6 -> sunday - Saturday
monthsDay = bcdToDec(Wire.read());
months = bcdToDec(Wire.read());
years = bcdToDec(Wire.read());
//check if the system need a new filename
void compute_filename(){
filename[1] = intToChar(years,1);
filename[2] = intToChar(months,0);
filename[3] = intToChar(months,1);
filename[4] = intToChar(monthsDay,0);
filename[5] = intToChar(monthsDay,1);
filename[6] = intToChar(hours,0);
filename[7] = intToChar(hours,1);
if (dataFile){
对此事的任何帮助表示赞赏 我也欢迎任何关于我可以测试以隔离或定位错误的想法
答案 0 :(得分:1)
2 RAM溢出
为1你可以把一些代码写在串行RAM使用evry loop()上,如果那个数字增长,一些库(因为你没有用alloc()分配内存)就会被破坏。对于2,不要构建to_write,而是直接使用Serial.println(),alyas尝试使用数组/字符串wicth使用少于100字节或者你可能有问题(String dinamically分配空间,并且该分配可能会失败..默默地。然后坏事appen)
答案 1 :(得分:1)
在过去的10年里,我已经完成了很多SD卡的工作,我注意到如果在CMD线路中收到垃圾,SD卡很容易变成非响应模式 / em>的。似乎至少某种垃圾被解释为设置卡密码的命令,从而锁定卡。在我使用SD库代码或新硬件设计的那些年里,它已经发生在我身上至少10次了,所以在我看来,它必须是一些容易以某种方式生成的位模式。