
时间:2014-02-25 09:10:47

标签: android performance gps



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

就像V =(距离)/(经过时间)一样简单。 因此,假设您在时间X读取了您的location1。 在X之后的某个时刻让我们在Y时刻再次读到您的位置。 比你没有

float distance = location1.distanceTo(location2); 


如果计算X - Y为

float X = System.currentTimeMillis(); //When you get the first location
float Y = System.currentTimeMillis(); //When you get the second location
//Than when calculating
float timeElapsed= (Y - X)/1000; //In seconds


float V = distance/timeElapsed;

如果你想计算平均速度,你需要将速度存储在列表中,然后计算每两点之间计算的所有速度的平均值。因此,如果你有位置l1,l2,l3,l4 ...... ln,V1将是l1和l2之间的速度,V2将在l2和l3之间,并且Vn-1将在ln-1和ln之间。您将所有Vn存储在列表中(例如),而不是将平均值计算为

Vavg =(V1 + V2 + V3 ... + Vn)/ n

<强>更新 在您的活动中

Location previousLocation = null;
float previousTime = 0;
float velocity = 0;


public void onLocationChanged(Location loc) {
  boolean hasPrevious = true;
  if (previousLocation == null || previousTime == 0) {
      hasPrevious = false;
  float currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  if (hasPrevious) {
     float timeElapsed = (currentTime - previousTime)/1000;
     velocity = loc.distanceTo(previousLocation)/timeElapsed;
  storeToPrevious(loc, currentTime);


private void storeToPrevious(Location l, float time) {
   previousLocation = new Location(l);
   previousTime = time;

答案 1 :(得分:1)

这可能会做你想要的。它写在Kotlin。它应用加权移动平均线。最近的位置重量较重。它可以&#34;平滑&#34;超出速度,代价是增加更多滞后。这是为了解决某些我无法使用getSpeed()的情况。但通常情况下,如果您使用&#34; Fused&#34;在Android上的位置,在典型的现代ACTIVE手机上速度非常稳定和准确。

var recentGPSLocationSegments = listOf<Pair<android.location.Location, android.location.Location>>()

fun applyWeightedMovingAverageSpeed(location: android.location.Location, previous: android.location.Location): Double
    recentGPSLocationSegments += Pair(location, previous)
    val cachedLocationsNs = location.elapsedRealtimeNanos - 4500000000 // 4.5 seconds, This will typically get 4 entries (1 second apart)
    val targetZeroWeightNs = location.elapsedRealtimeNanos - 5000000000 // 5.0 seconds, Weights will be approx 5000000000, 4000000000, 3000000000, 1000000000

    // Toss old locations
    recentGPSLocationSegments = recentGPSLocationSegments.filter { it -> it.first.elapsedRealtimeNanos > cachedLocationsNs }

    // Total up all the weights. Weight is based on age, younger has higher weight
    val weights = { it.first.elapsedRealtimeNanos - targetZeroWeightNs }.sum()

    // Apply the weights and get average speed in meters/second
    return { speedFromGPS(it.first, it.second) * (it.first.elapsedRealtimeNanos - targetZeroWeightNs) }.sum() / weights

fun speedFromGPS(location: android.location.Location, previous: android.location.Location): Double
    val dist = location.distanceTo(previous)
    val time = (location.elapsedRealtimeNanos - previous.elapsedRealtimeNanos) / 1000000000.0
    return dist / time

val locationManagerExample: LocationListener = object : LocationListener
    var lastLocation: android.location.Location? = null
    var lastPreviousLocation: android.location.Location? = null

    override fun onLocationChanged(location: android.location.Location?)
        if (location != null)
            if (lastPreviousLocation != null)
                currentSpeed = applyWeightedMovingAverageSpeed(location, lastPreviousLocation!!)

                lastPreviousLocation = lastLocation

            lastLocation = location

            if (currentSpeed < 0.0)
                currentSpeed = 0.0

    override fun onStatusChanged(provider: String, status: Int, extras: Bundle)

    override fun onProviderEnabled(provider: String)

    override fun onProviderDisabled(provider: String)

答案 2 :(得分:-2)


public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {

    try {
        if (location != null) {

            if (current_lat != null && current_lat > 0) {
                latitude = current_lat;
            if (current_long != null && current_long > 0) {
                longitude = current_long;
            current_lat = location.getLatitude();
            current_long = location.getLongitude();
            distanceBetweenTwoPoint = getDistance(latitude, longitude, current_lat, current_long);
            if ((current_lat > 0 && current_long > 0) && distanceBetweenTwoPoint > IjoomerApplicationConfiguration.track_DistanceBetweenPoints_IN_METERS) {
                if (location.hasSpeed()) {
                    speedInKm = location.getSpeed() * 3.6;
                } else {
                    speedInKm = 0.0;
                row = new HashMap<String, String>();
                row.put(TRACKID, IN_TRACKID + "");
                row.put(LATITUDE, current_lat.toString());
                row.put(LONGITUDE, current_long.toString());
                row.put(SPEED, speedInKm + "");
                row.put(TIMESTAMP, System.currentTimeMillis() + "");
                row.put(STATUS, status);

                distance = distance + (distanceBetweenTwoPoint / 1000);
                row.put(DISTANCE, "" + distance);
                dataProvider.InsertRow("TrackDetail", row);
                row.put(LASTKNOWNLATITUDE, latitude.toString());
                row.put(LASTKNOWNLONGITUDE, longitude.toString());
                int seconds = (int) ((System.currentTimeMillis() - trackStartTime) / 1000) % 60;
                int minutes = (int) (((System.currentTimeMillis() - trackStartTime) / (1000 * 60)) % 60);
                int hours = (int) (((System.currentTimeMillis() - trackStartTime) / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24);

                row.put(DURATION, String.valueOf(hours) + " : " + String.valueOf(minutes) + " : " + String.valueOf(seconds));
                setNotification(speedInKm, String.valueOf(hours) + " : " + String.valueOf(minutes) + " : " + String.valueOf(seconds));
                if (status.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {

                    builder.append("|" + current_lat + "," + current_long);
                    trackDuration = String.valueOf(hours) + " : " + String.valueOf(minutes) + " : " + String.valueOf(seconds);
                    if (speedInKm > maxSpeed) {
                        maxSpeed = speedInKm;
                    totalSpeed = totalSpeed + speedInKm;
    } catch (Exception e) {
