我试图从this page
一切正常,只有最后一列的img alt标签没有显示在。这段代码非常精细,只有最后一列的类没有被提取。
Sub TableExample()
Dim IE As Object
Dim doc As Object
Dim strURL As String
If Range("B2").Value <> "NA" Then
strURL = "http://www.idealo.co.uk/compare/351072/canon-500d-77mm-close-up-lens.html"
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With IE
'.Visible = True
.navigate strURL
Do Until .readyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop
Do While .Busy: DoEvents: Loop
Set doc = IE.document
GetAllTables doc
End With
End If
End Sub
Sub GetAllTables(doc As Object)
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim tbl As Object
Dim rw As Object
Dim cl As Object
Dim tabno As Long
Dim nextrow As Long
Dim i As Long
Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1")
For Each tbl In doc.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")
tabno = tabno + 1
nextrow = nextrow + 1
Set rng = ws.Range("B" & nextrow)
rng.Offset(, -1) = "Table " & tabno
On Error GoTo Err1:
If tabno = 10 Then
For Each rw In tbl.Rows
colno = 6
For Each cl In rw.Cells
If colno = 6 And nextrow > 10 Then
Set classColl = doc.getElementsByClassName("cellborder")
Set imgTgt = classColl(nextrow - 11).getElementsByTagName("img")
rng.Value = imgTgt(0).getAttribute("alt")
rng.Value = cl.innerText
End If
Set rng = rng.Offset(, 1)
i = i + 1
colno = colno + 1
Next cl
nextrow = nextrow + 1
Set rng = rng.Offset(1, -i)
' Call trim1
i = 0
Next rw
Exit Sub
End If
Next tbl
'Call comp
' ws.Cells.ClearFormats
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Set classColl = doc.getElementsByClassName("cellborder")
Set imgTgt = classColl(0).getElementsByTagName("img")
Rng.Value = imgTgt(0).getAttribute("alt")
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Sub GetAllTables(doc As Object)
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim tbl As Object
Dim rw As Object
Dim cl As Object
Dim tabno As Long
Dim nextrow As Long
Dim i As Long
Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1")
'Improvised way of getting images.
Dim imagesColl As New Collection
Set imgColl = doc.getElementsByClassName("noborder")
For Each imgElem In imgColl
If imgElem.getAttribute("height") = 30 And imgElem.getAttribute("width") = 80 Then
imagesColl.Add imgElem.getAttribute("alt")
End If
Next imgElem
For Each tbl In doc.getElementsByTagName("table")
tabno = tabno + 1
If tabno = 10 Then
nextrow = 1
imgIter = 1
For Each rw In tbl.Rows
colno = 1
For Each cl In rw.Cells
Set rng = ws.Cells(nextrow, colno)
If colno = 5 Then
rng.Value = imagesColl.Item(imgIter)
imgIter = imgIter + 1
rng.Value = cl.innerText
End If
colno = colno + 1
Next cl
nextrow = nextrow + 1
Next rw
Exit Sub
End If
Next tbl
End Sub
事情是,你真的不必做桌子风格。如果你知道要定位哪些元素,那么为DOM之外的数据创建一个集合(即使用普通 VBA集合)会更好。恕我直言。
无论如何,上面是 经过试用和 。如果这有帮助,请告诉我们。