ruby xml解析:`dup':不能重复NilClass(TypeError)

时间:2014-02-24 20:10:45

标签: mysql ruby-on-rails ruby xml-nil

我正在使用ruby解析xml recods。 XML文件具有以下数据结构:

<row Id="27" PostTypeId="2" ParentId="11" CreationDate="2008-08-01T12:17:19.357" Score="13" Body="&lt;p&gt;@jeff&lt;/p&gt;&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;&lt;p&gt;IMHO yours seems a little long.  However it does seem a lit
    tle more robust with support for &quot;yesterday&quot; and &quot;years&quot;.  But in my experience when this is used the person is most likely to view the content in the first 30 days.  It is only the really har
    dcore people that come after that.  So that is why I usually elect to keep this short and simple.&lt;/p&gt;&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;&lt;p&gt;This is the method I am currently using on one of my websites.  This only re
    turns a relative day, hour, time.  And then the user has to slap on &quot;ago&quot; in the output.&lt;/p&gt;&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;&lt;pre&gt;&lt;code&gt;public static string ToLongString(this TimeSpan time)&lt;br&g
    t;{&lt;br&gt;    string output = String.Empty;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;    if (time.Days &amp;gt; 0)&lt;br&gt;        output += time.Days + &quot; days &quot;;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;    if ((time.Days == 0 || time.Days =
    = 1) &amp;amp;&amp;amp; time.Hours &amp;gt; 0)&lt;br&gt;        output += time.Hours + &quot; hr &quot;;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;    if (time.Days == 0 &amp;amp;&amp;amp; time.Minutes &amp;gt; 0)&lt;br&gt;        outp
    ut += time.Minutes + &quot; min &quot;;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;    if (output.Length == 0)&lt;br&gt;        output += time.Seconds + &quot; sec&quot;;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;    return output.Trim();&lt;br&gt;}&lt;br&gt;
    &lt;/code&gt;&lt;/pre&gt;" OwnerUserId="17" LastEditorUserId="17" LastEditorDisplayName="Nick Berardi" LastEditDate="2008-08-01T13:16:49.127" LastActivityDate="2008-08-01T13:16:49.127" CommentCount="1" CommunityO
    wnedDate="2009-09-04T13:15:59.820" />


<row Id="29" PostTypeId="2" ParentId="13" CreationDate="2008-08-01T12:19:17.417" Score="18" Body="&lt;p&gt;There are no HTTP headers that will report the clients timezone so far although it has been suggested t
    o include it in the HTTP specification.&lt;/p&gt;&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;&lt;p&gt;If it was me, I would probably try to fetch the timezone using clientside JavaScript and then submit it to the server using Ajax or so
    mething.&lt;/p&gt;" OwnerUserId="19" LastActivityDate="2008-08-01T12:19:17.417" CommentCount="0" />


  def on_start_element(element, attributes)
    if element == 'row'
      @post_st.execute(attributes['Id'], attributes['PostTypeId'], attributes['AcceptedAnswerId'], attributes['ParentId'], attributes['Score'], attributes['ViewCount'], 
        attributes['Body'], attributes['OwnerUserId'] == nil ? -1 : attributes['OwnerUserId'], attributes['LastEditorUserId'], attributes['LastEditorDisplayName'], 
        DateTime.parse(attributes['LastEditDate']).to_time.strftime("%F %T"), DateTime.parse(attributes['LastActivityDate']).to_time.strftime("%F %T"), attributes['Title'] == nil ? '' : attributes['Title'], 
        attributes['AnswerCount'] == nil ? 0 : attributes['AnswerCount'], attributes['CommentCount'] == nil ? 0 : attributes['CommentCount'], 
        attributes['FavoriteCount'] == nil ? 0 : attributes['FavoriteCount'], DateTime.parse(attributes['CreationDate']).to_time.strftime("%F %T"))
      post_id = attributes['Id']

      tags = attributes['Tags'] == nil ? '' : attributes['Tags']
      tags.scan(/<(.*?)>/).each do |tag_name|
        tag_id = insert_or_find_tag(tag_name[0])
        @post_ot_tag_insert_st.execute(post_id, tag_id)

但是在处理基于最新记录的第二条记录时,我的数据库中插入了(最后一条记录是行id = 27的记录)我收到以下错误:

/format.rb:1031:in `dup': can't dup NilClass (TypeError)



DateTime.parse(attributes['LastEditDate']).to_time.strftime("%F %T"), DateTime.parse(attributes['LastActivityDate']).to_time.strftime("%F %T"), attributes['Title'] == nil ? '' : attributes['Title'],


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