
时间:2014-02-24 18:39:10

标签: vb.net arraylist



' Function Name : List
' Credit to     : David Ross Goben
' Purpose       : Get the drop listing from the maildrop
'               :
' Returns       : Any Arraylist of POP3Message objects
'               :
' Typical telNet I/O:
'LIST            (submit)
'+OK Mailbox scan listing follows
'1 2532          (record index and size in bytes)
'2 1610
'3 12345
'.               (end of records terminator)
Public Function List() As ArrayList
    If Not IsConnected() Then Return Nothing '          'exit if not in TRANSACTION mode

    Me.Submit("LIST" & vbCrLf)                          'submit List request
    If Not CheckResponse() Then Return Nothing '        'check for a response, but if an error, return nothing
    'get a list of emails waiting on the server for the authenticated user
    Dim retval As New ArrayList                       'set aside message list storage
        Dim response As String = Me.Response            'check response
        If (response = "." & vbCrLf) Then               'done with list?
            Exit Do                                     'yes
        End If
        Dim msg As New POP3Message                      'establish a new message
        Dim msgInfo() As String = Split(response, " "c) 'separate by spaces, which divide its fields
        msg.MailID = Integer.Parse(msgInfo(0))          'get the list item number
        msg.ByteCount = Integer.Parse(msgInfo(1))       'get the size of the email message
        msg.Retrieved = False                           'indicate its message body is not yet retrieved
        retval.Add(msg)                                 'add a new entry into the retrieval list
    Return retval                                       'return the list
End Function


'List  | Count = 125                        
'    |
'   (0) | Nothing
'   (1) | Nothing
'            |
'       Mail.POP3Message | Nothing
'                |
'           ByteCount | 492334
'           MailID    | 1
'           Message   | Nothing
'           Retrieved | False


'Get message list from pop3 server and populate dvgMsgList
        dgvMailSettings.Rows(12).Cells(1).Value = "retrieving LIST of messages"

            For Each msg In srvPOP3.List
                MsgBox("srvPOP3.List items = " & srvPOP3.List.Count)

        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Error displaying Mail list")
        End Try


       ByteCount   | 492334
       MailID      | 1
       Message     | Nothing
       Retrieved   | False


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