
时间:2014-02-24 15:21:32

标签: sql sql-server


| ID |          Element           | Type | LEVEL | ElemOrder | Header | Total |
|  1 | IncomeStatement            | H    |     1 |         0 | NULL   | NULL  |
|  2 | OperatingIncome            | H    |     2 |         0 | 1      | NULL  |
|  3 | OtherIncome                | H    |     2 |         1 | 1      | NULL  |
|  4 | EarningsBeforeInterestTax  | R    |     2 |         3 | 1      | NULL  |
|  5 | InterestExpense            | R    |     2 |         4 | 1      | NULL  |
|  6 | NetProfitBeforeTax         | R    |     2 |         5 | 1      | NULL  |
|  7 | TaxExpenses                | R    |     2 |         6 | 1      | NULL  |
|  8 | NetProfitAfterTax          | R    |     2 |         7 | 1      | NULL  |
|  9 | DividendPaidShareholders   | R    |     2 |         8 | 1      | NULL  |
| 10 | RetainedEarnings           | R    |     2 |         9 | 1      | NULL  |
| 11 | GrossProfit                | H    |     3 |         0 | 2      | NULL  |
| 12 | OperatingExpense           | H    |     3 |         1 | 2      | NULL  |
| 13 | Revenue                    | R    |     4 |         0 | 11     | NULL  |
| 14 | CostSales                  | R    |     4 |         1 | 11     | NULL  |
| 15 | GrossProfitTotal           | R    |     4 |         2 | 11     | NULL  |
| 16 | SalesMarketingCosts        | R    |     4 |         0 | 12     | NULL  |
| 17 | GeneralAdministrationCosts | R    |     4 |         1 | 12     | NULL  |
| 18 | ResearchDevelopmentCosts   | R    |     4 |         2 | 12     | NULL  |
| 19 | OperatingExpensesTotal     | R    |     4 |         3 | 12     | NULL  |
| 20 | HeaderTotal 11             | T    |     3 |      1000 | NULL   | 11    |
| 21 | HeaderTotal 12             | T    |     3 |      1000 | NULL   | 12    |
| 22 | HeaderTotal 2              | T    |     2 |      1000 | NULL   | 2     |
| 23 | HeaderTotal 3              | T    |     2 |      1000 | NULL   | 3     |
| 24 | HeaderTotal 1              | T    |     1 |      1000 | NULL   | 1     |

enter image description here

元素类型HR的行是图像中的行。 T类型的行稍后已添加。

这个结构实际上是一个所有LEAFS都为R的树 - 类型和其他节点,它们是父节点H - 类型。

每个H - 类型节点应该有一个对应的T类型节点,并且最后会添加这些节点。



| ID |             Name              | Type | Level | Order | Header | Total |
|  1 | Income Statement              | H    |     1 |     1 | NULL   | NULL  |
|  2 | Operating Income              | H    |     2 |     1 | 1      | NULL  |
| 11 | Gross Profit                  | H    |     3 |     1 | 2      | NULL  |
| 13 | Revenue                       | R    |     4 |     1 | 11     | NULL  |
| 14 | CostSales                     | R    |     4 |     2 | 11     | NULL  |
| 15 | CostThirdParties              | R    |     4 |     3 | 11     | NULL  |
| 16 | GrossProfitTotal              | R    |     4 |     4 | 11     | NULL  |
| 28 | Gross Profit TOTAL NODE       | T    |     3 |     2 | NULL   | 11    |
| 12 | Operating Expenses            | H    |     3 |     3 | 2      | NULL  |
| 17 | SalesMarketingCosts           | R    |     4 |     1 | 12     | NULL  |
| 18 | GeneralAdministrationCosts    | R    |     4 |     2 | 12     | NULL  |
| 19 | ResearchDevelopmentCosts      | R    |     4 |     3 | 12     | NULL  |
| 20 | OperatingExpensesTotal        | R    |     4 |     4 | 12     | NULL  |
| 27 | Operating Expenses TOTAL NODE | T    |     3 |     4 | NULL   | 12    |
| 26 | Operating Income TOTAL NODE   | T    |     2 |     2 | NULL   | 2     |
|  3 | Other Income                  | H    |     2 |     3 | 1      | NULL  |
| 21 | InterestIncome                | R    |     3 |     1 | 3      | NULL  |
| 22 | DividendIncome                | R    |     3 |     2 | 3      | NULL  |
| 23 | OtherIncomeTotal              | R    |     3 |     3 | 3      | NULL  |
| 25 | Other Income TOTAL NODE       | T    |     2 |     4 | NULL   | 3     |
|  4 | EarningsBeforeInterestTax     | R    |     2 |     5 | 1      | NULL  |
|  5 | InterestExpenses              | R    |     2 |     6 | 1      | NULL  |
|  6 | NetProfitBeforeTax            | R    |     2 |     7 | 1      | NULL  |
|  7 | TaxExpenses                   | R    |     2 |     8 | 1      | NULL  |
|  8 | NetProfitAfterTax             | R    |     2 |     9 | 1      | NULL  |
|  9 | DividendPaidShareholders      | R    |     2 |    10 | 1      | NULL  |
| 10 | RetainedEarnings              | R    |     2 |    11 | 1      | NULL  |
| 24 | Income Statement TOTAL NODE   | T    |     1 |     2 | NULL   | 1     |

我只想简单地按ORDER BY特定列,但我似乎无法找到方法。我不确定,但我有一种感觉,我必须以递归的方式遍历表格,以便将TOTAL行放在应该位于的位置。


FROM myTable

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



FROM myTable
  when type = 'H' then 1
  when type = 'R' then 2
  when type = 'T' then 3

答案 1 :(得分:2)



  1. 查找树的根(在此特定情况下,不带父项的标题行(HEADER is NULL)并构建根的地址。

  2. 查找具有父地址值的所有节点,并将父地址复制到子节点,附加有关子节点的其他信息

  3. 重复步骤2,直到所有节点都填充了一个地址。

  4. 在您的具体情况下,我通过将上述内容仅应用于标题行来简化操作;叶子和总数在单独的陈述中更新。

    这将在SQL Server 2008中运行。

    CREATE TABLE mytable
        ([ID] int, [Element] varchar(26), [Type] varchar(1), [LEVEL] int, [ElemOrder] int, [Header] varchar(4), [Total] varchar(4))
    INSERT INTO mytable
        ([ID], [Element], [Type], [LEVEL], [ElemOrder], [Header], [Total])
        (1, 'IncomeStatement', 'H', 1, 0, NULL, NULL),
        (2, 'OperatingIncome', 'H', 2, 0, '1', NULL),
        (3, 'OtherIncome', 'H', 2, 1, '1', NULL),
        (4, 'EarningsBeforeInterestTax', 'R', 2, 3, '1', NULL),
        (5, 'InterestExpense', 'R', 2, 4, '1', NULL),
        (6, 'NetProfitBeforeTax', 'R', 2, 5, '1', NULL),
        (7, 'TaxExpenses', 'R', 2, 6, '1', NULL),
        (8, 'NetProfitAfterTax', 'R', 2, 7, '1', NULL),
        (9, 'DividendPaidShareholders', 'R', 2, 8, '1', NULL),
        (10, 'RetainedEarnings', 'R', 2, 9, '1', NULL),
        (11, 'GrossProfit', 'H', 3, 0, '2', NULL),
        (12, 'OperatingExpense', 'H', 3, 1, '2', NULL),
        (13, 'Revenue', 'R', 4, 0, '11', NULL),
        (14, 'CostSales', 'R', 4, 1, '11', NULL),
        (15, 'GrossProfitTotal', 'R', 4, 2, '11', NULL),
        (16, 'SalesMarketingCosts', 'R', 4, 0, '12', NULL),
        (17, 'GeneralAdministrationCosts', 'R', 4, 1, '12', NULL),
        (18, 'ResearchDevelopmentCosts', 'R', 4, 2, '12', NULL),
        (19, 'OperatingExpensesTotal', 'R', 4, 3, '12', NULL),
        (20, 'HeaderTotal 11', 'T', 3, 1000, NULL, '11'),
        (21, 'HeaderTotal 12', 'T', 3, 1000, NULL, '12'),
        (22, 'HeaderTotal 2', 'T', 2, 1000, NULL, '2'),
        (23, 'HeaderTotal 3', 'T', 2, 1000, NULL, '3'),
        (24, 'HeaderTotal 1', 'T', 1, 1000, NULL, '1')
    declare @sorttable table (id bigint, sort_order varchar(max) )
    insert into @sorttable (id)
    select id from mytable
    update @sorttable
    set sort_order = RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT (varchar(max), id),6)+'.'
    where id in (select id from mytable where Header is null and Type = 'h')
    while exists (select * from mytable mt
                    inner join @sorttable st on mt.ID = st.id where st.sort_order is null and mt.Type = 'H')
    update @sorttable
    set sort_order = q.sort_order + RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT (varchar(max), q.child_id),6) +'.'
        select par_st.sort_order, mt_child.ID as child_id from mytable mt_par
        inner join mytable mt_child on mt_child.Header = mt_par.ID
        inner join @sorttable par_st on mt_par.ID = par_st.id
    ) q
    where q.child_id = id and id in (select id from mytable where Type = 'H')
    update @sorttable
    set sort_order = q.sort_order + RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT (varchar(max), q.child_id),6)
        select par_st.sort_order, mt_child.ElemOrder as finalorder, mt_child.ID as child_id from mytable mt_par
        inner join mytable mt_child on mt_child.Header = mt_par.ID
        inner join @sorttable par_st on mt_par.ID = par_st.id
    ) q
    where q.child_id = id and id in (select id from mytable where Type ='R')
    update @sorttable
    set sort_order = q.sort_order + '999999'
        select par_st.sort_order, mt_child.ElemOrder as finalorder, mt_child.ID as child_id from mytable mt_par
        inner join mytable mt_child on mt_child.Total = mt_par.ID
        inner join @sorttable par_st on mt_par.ID = par_st.id
    ) q
    where q.child_id = id and id in (select id from mytable where Type = 'T')
    select * from mytable mt
    inner join @sorttable st on mt.ID = st.id
    order by sort_order 

    SQLFiddle of solution in operation.