// Name: Legato_Encryption
// Desc: An encryption engine. Contains functions to encrypt and decrypt
// text.
class Legato_Encryption
// Public Variables
private $_cypher; // The cypher algorithm.
private $_mode; // The encryption mode.
private $_td; // The TD for mcrypt.
private $_private_key; // The private key.
// Public Member Functions
// Name: __construct()
// Desc: Class constructor.
public function __construct( $private_key, $cypher = 'blowfish', $mode = 'cfb' )
// Make sure everything was filled in.
if ( $private_key == "" || $cypher == "" || $mode == "" )
Legato_Debug_Debugger::add_item( 'Invalid parameters for encryption. NULL passed in.' );
return false;
// Assign the class variables to those passed in.
$this->_cypher = $cypher;
$this->_mode = $mode;
// Get the TD.
$this->_td = mcrypt_module_open( $this->_cypher, '', $this->_mode, '' );
// Get the expected key size based on mode and cipher .
$expected_key_size = mcrypt_enc_get_key_size( $this->_td );
// We dont need to know the real key, we just need to be able to confirm a hashed version.
$this->_private_key = substr( md5($private_key), 0, $expected_key_size );
// Name: encrypt()
// Desc: Encrypts the plaint text passed in.
public function encrypt( $plaintext )
// Create the IV.
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv( mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($this->_td), MCRYPT_RAND );
// Initialize the mcrypt engine.
mcrypt_generic_init( $this->_td, $this->_private_key, $iv );
// Encode/encrypt the text.
$crypttext = base64_encode( mcrypt_generic($this->_td, $plaintext) );
// Shut down mcrypt.
mcrypt_generic_deinit( $this->_td );
// Return the iv prefixed to the encrypted text.
return $iv . $crypttext;
// Name: decrypt()
// Desc: Decrypts the encrypted text passed in.
public function decrypt( $crypttext )
// Get the iv from the beginning of the encrypted text.
$iv_size = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size( $this->_td );
$iv = substr( $crypttext, 0, $iv_size );
// Get the encrypted text.
$crypttext = substr( $crypttext, $iv_size );
$plaintext = '';
// Attempt to decrypt the text.
if ( $iv )
// Initialize the mcrypt engine.
mcrypt_generic_init( $this->_td, $this->_private_key, $iv );
// Decode the crypted text, then decrypt it, then trim it of whitespaces.
$plaintext = trim( mdecrypt_generic($this->_td, base64_decode($crypttext)) );
// Shut down mcrypt.
mcrypt_generic_deinit( $this->_td );
} // End if $iv true.
// Return the plain text.
return $plaintext;
例如,Legato_Encryption(&#39; hello&#39;,&#39; twofish&#39;)。encrypt(&#39; hello&#39;)将返回一些完全不同的东西,如果我用它说的话Yii_Encryption(&#39;你好&#39;,&#39; twofish&#39;)。加密(&#39;你好&#39;)。具有相同参数的相同代码和相同程序......如何返回不同的值?我相信encrypt()函数似乎每次执行时都会生成随机值,但decrypt()应该返回正确的字符串。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
听起来你遇到了由不同OS / PHP版本引起的“可移植哈希”问题。可能需要以编程方式升级哈希(我建议使用phpNode的Yii密码行为扩展),然后再使用更新的哈希系统......