如何解决“IOError:[Errno 2]没有这样的文件或目录:'resources / ch06-mailboxes / data / orthpole.mbox'”?

时间:2014-02-24 06:57:33

标签: python-2.7 ipython-notebook

import mailbox
import email
import json

MBOX = 'resources/ch06-mailboxes/data/orthpole.mbox'

def objectify_message(msg):

# Map in fields from the message
o_msg = dict([ (k, v) for (k,v) in msg.items() ])

# Assume one part to the message and get its content
# and its content type

part = [p for p in msg.walk()][0]
o_msg['contentType'] = part.get_content_type()
o_msg['content'] = part.get_payload()

return o_msg

 mbox = mailbox.UnixMailbox(open(MBOX, 'rb'), email.message_from_file)

 messages = []

 while 1:
   msg = mbox.next()

   if msg is None: break


       print json.dumps(messages, indent=1)

IOError Traceback(最近一次调用最后一次)   in()   #消息到方便的JSON表示

mbox = mailbox.UnixMailbox(open(MBOX,'rb'),email.message_from_file)

messages = []

IOError:[Errno 2]没有这样的文件或目录:'resources / ch06-mailboxes / data / orthpole.mbox'

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