
时间:2014-02-24 02:59:55

标签: lua corona curve


如何创建无限曲线(类似于Tiny Wings中的曲线),曲线填充看起来也很好? http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=tiny%20wings&sm=3


或者可能存储旧顶点并根据oldVertices + newVertices创建一个新的多边形?

local bezier = require( "bezier")
local physics = require("physics")

local items = {}


local function createCurve(params)

    local startX = params.startX
    local startY = params.startY

    local topCurveX = params.topCurveX
    local topCurveY = params.topCurveY
    local topCurveWidth = params.topCurveWidth

    local bottomCurveX = params.bottomCurveX
    local bottomCurveY = params.bottomCurveY
    local bottomCurveWidth = params.bottomCurveWidth

    -- TOP CURVE
    local curve1 =  bezier:curve({startX, startX + topCurveX, startX + topCurveWidth}, {startY  , startY - topCurveY, startY})
    local x1, y1 = curve1(0.00)

    local topVertices = {}
    local c = 1

    for i=0.01, 1, 0.01 do
            local x, y = curve1(i)

            --print(x .. " - " .. y)
            topVertices[c] = x
            topVertices[c + 1] = y
            c = c + 2

    local lastTopPointY = topVertices[c-1]
    local bottomArea = 450 -- How many pixels should the box under the top curve be?

        -- Straight down
    topVertices[c] = topVertices[c - 2] -- X position from the last vertice
    topVertices[c+1] = bottomArea -- y
    topVertices[c+2] = topVertices[1] -- X position from the last vertice
    topVertices[c+3] = bottomArea -- y

    -- The box below the top curve changes the height so we need to take that into consideration when creating the polygons.
    local bleedArea = topVertices[c-1] - bottomArea

    items[#items + 1] = display.newPolygon( startX, startY - bleedArea, topVertices )
    items[#items].fill = { type="image", filename="bg.png" }

    items[#items].name = "top"
    items[#items].y = items[#items].y - items[#items].height
    items[#items].anchorY = 0
    items[#items].anchorX = 0
    physics.addBody(items[#items], "kinematic")
    items[#items]:setLinearVelocity( -100, 0 )

    local c = 1
    for i=0.02, 1, 0.01 do
            local x, y = curve1(i)

            topVertices[c] = x
            topVertices[c + 1] = y

            c = c + 2

     -- DOWN CURVE
    local bottomVertices = {}
    local curve2 =  bezier:curve({startX, startX + bottomCurveX, startX + bottomCurveWidth}, {startY , startY + bottomCurveY, startY})
    local x1, y1 = curve1(0.00)
    local c = 1

    for i=0.01, 1, 0.01 do
            local x, y = curve2(i)

            bottomVertices[c] = x
            bottomVertices[c + 1] = y
            c = c + 2

    -- Straight down
    bottomVertices[c] = bottomVertices[c - 2] -- X position from the last vertice
    bottomVertices[c+1] = 500 -- y
    bottomVertices[c+2] = bottomVertices[1] -- X position of the first vertice (i.e. the start)
    bottomVertices[c+3] = 500 --vertices[1] -- y
    -- Last vertice will be drawn automatically to close the polygon

    --items[#items + 1] = display.newPolygon( items[#items].x + items[#items].width, items[#items].y + items[#items].height * 0.5, bottomVertices )
    items[#items + 1] = display.newPolygon( items[#items].x + items[#items].width, items[#items].y + items[#items].height + bleedArea , bottomVertices )
    items[#items].fill = { type="image", filename="bg.png" }
    items[#items].anchorY = 0
    items[#items].anchorX = 0
    items[#items].name = "bottom"
    physics.addBody(items[#items], "kinematic")
    items[#items]:setLinearVelocity( -100, 0 )

-- Needed to initialize the curve
-- The createCurves loop takes variables from this one so these parameters
-- decides the startX and startY
local params = {
        startX = 600,
        startY = 215,
        -- Top
        topCurveX = 200,
        topCurveY = 200, 
        topCurveWidth = 400,
        -- Bottom
        bottomCurveX = 200,
        bottomCurveY = 200,
        bottomCurveWidth = 400

local function loop()
    if items[#items].x < 500 and items[#items].name == "bottom" then

        local params = {
        startX = items[#items].x + items[#items].width,
        startY = items[#items].y, -- + items[#items].height,
        -- Top
        topCurveX = math.random(50, 50),
        topCurveY = math.random(50, 100),
        topCurveWidth = math.random(100, 125),
        -- Bottom
        bottomCurveX = math.random(50, 50),
        bottomCurveY = math.random(50, 100),
        bottomCurveWidth = math.random(100, 125)


Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", loop)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



if needNewPoints then
    local newX = pointsTable[#pointsTable].x + deltaX
    -- add point to bezier too, but this is detail
    local newY = curve(newX)
    table.insert(pointsTable, newX)
    poly = display.newPolygon(pointsTable)
    oldPolygon = poly