Cordova / PhoneGap FileTransfer上载的文件不会出现在服务器上

时间:2014-02-23 05:30:02

标签: android cordova cordova-3



function uploadToServer () {
    bootstrap_alert("Uploading!","Please do not close PowerSnap.", "info") // Could bootstrap be causing any trouble?
    $('#uploadButton').button('loading'); //Sets the upload button to loading state

    var options = new FileUploadOptions();
    options.fileKey = "file";
    options.fileName = 'file.jpg';
    options.mimeType= "image/jpeg";
    var params = {};
    params.command = "upload";
    params.coordinates = locationTextBox.value;

    options.params = params;

    uriToUpload = uploadFileEntry.toURL();
    var ft;
    ft = new FileTransfer();
    ft.upload(uriToUpload, encodeURI(''), uploadSuccess, uploadError, options, true); // The PHP script is named index.php so the server knows to redirect to it.


D/FileTransfer( 8014): upload cdvfile://localhost/temporary/1393131949448.jpg to
D/FileTransfer( 8014): fileKey: file
D/FileTransfer( 8014): fileName: file.jpg
D/FileTransfer( 8014): mimeType: image/jpeg
D/FileTransfer( 8014): params: {"command":"upload","coordinates":"(Omitted, but functioning properly"}
D/FileTransfer( 8014): trustEveryone: true
D/FileTransfer( 8014): chunkedMode: true
D/FileTransfer( 8014): headers: {"Connection":"close"}
D/FileTransfer( 8014): objectId: 1
D/FileTransfer( 8014): httpMethod: POST
D/FileTransfer( 8014): Content Length: 2486171
D/FileTransfer( 8014): Uploaded 114958 of 2486171 bytes
D/FileTransfer( 8014): Uploaded 229646 of 2486171 bytes
D/FileTransfer( 8014): Uploaded 344334 of 2486171 bytes
D/FileTransfer( 8014): Uploaded 459022 of 2486171 bytes
D/FileTransfer( 8014): Uploaded 573710 of 2486171 bytes


D/FileTransfer( 8014): Sent 2486171 of 2486171
D/FileTransfer( 8014): response code: 200
D/FileTransfer( 8014): response headers: {null=[HTTP/1.1 200 OK], Connection=[close], Content-Type=[application/json], Date=[Sun, 23 Feb 2014 05:06:17 GMT], OkHttp-Received-Millis=[1393131977469], OkHttp-Response-Source=[NETWORK 200], OkHttp-Selected-Transport=[http/1.1], OkHttp-Sent-Millis=[1393131977136], Server=[Apache], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked]}
D/FileTransfer( 8014): got response from server
D/FileTransfer( 8014): Error

最后一行(D/FileTransfer( 8014): Error)是PHP切换后来自服务器的响应,表明服务器没有得到参数。 (服务器上的access.log显示应用已连接)当我让服务器将$_FILES$_POST记录到文件时,如果该文件不存在且为空,则创建该文件。我已经使用Advanced Rest Client for Chrome测试了接收文件的PHP脚本,并且脚本按预期工作。感谢您的帮助,如果这个问题不明确,请抱歉。

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