
时间:2014-02-23 02:07:49

标签: python

这个程序应该读取一个名为year的类别的输入文件。因此,如果用户键入198,则输出应该给出其中包含198的所有年份,例如1981,1982,...等。 但是,产量也增加了199

Sierra Leone       WB_LI    0 Africa    1992
Sierra Leone       WB_LI    0 Africa    1993
Sierra Leone       WB_LI    0 Africa    1994
Sierra Leone       WB_LI    0 Africa    1995
Sierra Leone       WB_LI    0 Africa    1996
Sierra Leone       WB_LI    0 Africa    1997

该文件的每一行都包含以下字段,其中字段之间有一个空格: 国家(50个字符) 收入等级(6个字符) 接种百分比(3个字符) 地区(25个字符) 年(4个字符)。所以,我总共有92个字符,我会在88个病房中查看每个字符,并在一年中将它们与字符匹配以找到所需的年份。我想我的逻辑中可能有一些错误,并且还将199视为一个实例。我不应该使用列表或元组。只需提交。


def main():

    #checks if the input file exists or not.
    #If the file exists, then the program breaks out of the loop and
    #moves on. Otherwise, the program halts with an IOError message. 
    while True:
        except IOError:
            print("Error opening file:",input_file)

    f2=input("What is the name of the output file? ")

    #checks if the output file exists or not.
    #If the file exists, then the program breaks out of the loop and
    #moves on. Otherwise, the program halts with an IOError message. 
    while True:
        except IOError:
            print("Error opening file:",output_file)

    #for loop prints all lines of the input file to the output file.
 year=str(input('Input year: '))

    while line!="":
        for line in input_file:

            if year==line[88:92]:
            elif year==line[88:91]:
            elif year==line[88:90]:
            elif year==line[88:89]:
            elif year.lower()=="all" or year=="''" or year=='""':




有人可以看看我的代码并指出问题吗?谢谢 以下是我正在处理的文件的几行。

Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   11 Eastern Mediterranean     1980
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI    0 Eastern Mediterranean     1981
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI    8 Eastern Mediterranean     1982
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI    9 Eastern Mediterranean     1983
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   14 Eastern Mediterranean     1984
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   14 Eastern Mediterranean     1985
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   14 Eastern Mediterranean     1986
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   31 Eastern Mediterranean     1987
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   34 Eastern Mediterranean     1988
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   22 Eastern Mediterranean     1989
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   20 Eastern Mediterranean     1990
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   19 Eastern Mediterranean     1991
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   22 Eastern Mediterranean     1992
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   25 Eastern Mediterranean     1993
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   40 Eastern Mediterranean     1994
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   41 Eastern Mediterranean     1995
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   42 Eastern Mediterranean     1996
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   38 Eastern Mediterranean     1997
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   31 Eastern Mediterranean     1998
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   31 Eastern Mediterranean     1999
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   27 Eastern Mediterranean     2000
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   37 Eastern Mediterranean     2001
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   35 Eastern Mediterranean     2002
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   39 Eastern Mediterranean     2003
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   48 Eastern Mediterranean     2004
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   50 Eastern Mediterranean     2005
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   53 Eastern Mediterranean     2006
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   55 Eastern Mediterranean     2007
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   59 Eastern Mediterranean     2008
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   60 Eastern Mediterranean     2009
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   62 Eastern Mediterranean     2010
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   65 Eastern Mediterranean     2011
Afghanistan                                        WB_LI   68 Eastern Mediterranean     2012
Albania                                            WB_LMI  90 Europe                    1980
Albania                                            WB_LMI  90 Europe                    1981
Albania                                            WB_LMI  93 Europe                    1982
Albania                                            WB_LMI  96 Europe                    1983
Albania                                            WB_LMI  96 Europe                    1984
Albania                                            WB_LMI  96 Europe                    1985
Albania                                            WB_LMI  96 Europe                    1986
Albania                                            WB_LMI  96 Europe                    1987
Albania                                            WB_LMI  96 Europe                    1988
Albania                                            WB_LMI  96 Europe                    1989
Albania                                            WB_LMI  88 Europe                    1990
Albania                                            WB_LMI  80 Europe                    1991
Albania                                            WB_LMI  87 Europe                    1992
Albania                                            WB_LMI  76 Europe                    1993
Albania                                            WB_LMI  90 Europe                    1994
Albania                                            WB_LMI  91 Europe                    1995
Albania                                            WB_LMI  92 Europe                    1996
Albania                                            WB_LMI  95 Europe                    1997
Albania                                            WB_LMI  89 Europe                    1998
Albania                                            WB_LMI  85 Europe                    1999
Albania                                            WB_LMI  95 Europe                    2000
Albania                                            WB_LMI  95 Europe                    2001
Albania                                            WB_LMI  96 Europe                    2002
Albania                                            WB_LMI  93 Europe                    2003

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



def filter_results(input_file, output_file, year):
    for line in input_file:
        if not line: continue # skips if the line is blank
        if year == '' or line[88:92].startswith(year) or year.lower() == 'all':

def main():
    year = input("Give me a year: ")

    try: infile = open('measles.txt','r')
    except IOError: print("Error opening file: measles.txt")

    try: outfile = open(input("Name of output file?"),'w')
    except IOError: print("Error opening output file")

    try: infile,outfile
    except NameError: raise IOError("One of the files could not be opened")





lines = list()
with open('path/to/input_file') as input_file:
    for line in input_file:
        # I may have screwed up that string splicing -- do one and doublecheck
year = input("Enter a four-digit year (or part thereof): ")
filtered_list = [line for line in lines if line['year'].startswith(year)]


while True:
        input_file = open("measles.txt")
        break # ?
    except IOError:
        print("Error opening file:",input_file)
        break # ?

如果我们在一次迭代后总是破坏,为什么我们在这里循环?在没有while True的情况下放弃try:exceptbreak。如果您需要在异常时暂停程序,那么只需执行except IOError: raise