
时间:2014-02-22 21:09:42

标签: c#

当我运行脚本时,我在第float[] i_f = b[itemid];行得到“索引超出数组范围”错误。


for (int y = 0; y <= 114360000; y++)for (int y = 0; y < 114360000; y++)以及

for (int x = 0; x <= 8939500; x++)for (int x = 0; x < 8939500; x++)





namespace function
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        //Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable();
        float userscore, itemscore,result;
        string lineitem, lineuser;
        //float[][] a = new float[89395][100];
        //float[][] b = new float[1143600][100];
        float[][] a = Enumerable.Range(0, 89395).Select(i => new float[100]).ToArray();
        float[][] b = Enumerable.Range(0, 1143600).Select(j => new float[100]).ToArray();
        //float[,] c = new float[89395, 100];
        StreamReader fileitem = new StreamReader("c:\\p.txt");
        StreamReader fileuser = new StreamReader("c:\\L.txt");
        public Form1()
            for (int x = 0; x <= 8939500; x++)
                lineuser = fileuser.ReadLine();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineuser))
                    string[] values = lineuser.Split(' ');
                    int userid, factoriduser;
                    foreach (string value in values)
                        userid = Convert.ToInt32(values[0]);
                        factoriduser = Convert.ToInt32(values[1]);
                        userscore = Convert.ToSingle(values[2]);
                        a[userid][factoriduser] = userscore;

            for (int y = 0; y <= 114360000; y++)
                lineitem = fileitem.ReadLine();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineitem))
                    string[] valuesi = lineitem.Split(' ');
                    int itemid, factoriditem;
                    foreach (string value in valuesi)
                        itemid = Convert.ToInt32(valuesi[0]);
                        factoriditem = Convert.ToInt32(valuesi[1]);
                        itemscore = Convert.ToSingle(valuesi[2]);
                        b[itemid][factoriditem] = itemscore;


        public float dotproduct(int userid, int itemid)

            //get the score of 100 from user and item to dotproduct
            //get userid and itemid element from array a and b
            float[] u_f = a[userid];
            float[] i_f = b[itemid];   //<-----error happens

            for (int i = 0; i < u_f.Length; i++)
                //  result += u_f[userid] * i_f[itemid];
                result += u_f[i] * i_f[i];

            return result;


        private void btn_recomm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
           // if (txtbx_id.Text ==null)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtbx_id.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("please insert user id");
            //if (txtbx_id.Text != null && txtbx_itemid == null)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtbx_id.Text) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtbx_itemid.Text))
                int sc = Convert.ToInt32(txtbx_id.Text);

                if (sc >= 0 && sc <= 89395)
                    //for (int z = 0; z <= 1143600; z++)
                      //  dotproduct(sc, z);
                       // hashtable.Add(z, result);
                    //SortedDictionary<int, float> dict = new SortedDictionary<int, float>(hashtable);
                    //foreach (int key in dict)
                      //  System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", key, dict[key]));
                    var results = new List<float>(1143600);
                    for (int z = 0; z <= 1143600; z++)
                        results.Add(dotproduct(sc, z));
                    foreach (var resultwithindex in results.Select((r, index) => new { result = r, Index = index }).OrderByDescending(r => r.result).Take(10))
                        System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: {1}", resultwithindex.Index, resultwithindex.result));

            //if (txtbx_id!=null && txtbx_itemid!=null)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtbx_id.Text) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtbx_itemid.Text))
                int uid = Convert.ToInt32(txtbx_id.Text);
                // int uid;
                // if (!Int32.TryParse(txtbx_id.Text, out uid))
                // {
                // MessageBox.Show("Try again");
                // }

                int iid = Convert.ToInt32(txtbx_itemid.Text);
                // int iid;
                //if (!Int32.TryParse(txtbx_id.Text, out iid))
                //MessageBox.Show("Try again");
                if (uid >= 0 && uid <= 89395 && iid >= 0 && iid <= 1143600)
                    dotproduct(uid, iid);
                    MessageBox.Show("The Score of item id " + iid + " is " + result);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



中访问0-89394中的元素 您只能从数组b访问0-1143599中的元素。



if (uid >= 0 && uid <= 89395 && iid >= 0 && iid <= 1143600)
  dotproduct(uid, iid);
  MessageBox.Show("The Score of item id " + iid + " is " + result);


if (uid >= 0 && uid < 89395 && iid >= 0 && iid < 1143600)
  dotproduct(uid, iid);
  MessageBox.Show("The Score of item id " + iid + " is " + result);



if (sc >= 0 && sc <= 89395)


if (sc >= 0 && sc < 89395)