
时间:2014-02-22 18:04:55

标签: python list



mylist = [[15], [14, 15], [19, 20], [13], [3], [65, 19], [19, 20, 31]]



index 0 matched with index 1 for value 15.
index 2 matched with index 5 for value 19
index 2 matched with index 6 for value 19
index 2 matched with index 6 for value 20
index 5 matched with index 6 for value 19.


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  • 创建一个dict,将int(嵌套列表中的元素)映射到包含master中列表索引的列表。
  • 遍历主列表,并为每个子列表将其索引添加到与dict中每个元素对应的位置。
  • 现在,dict的值由列表组成,其中每两个元素都是“对”。


>>> mylist = [[15], [14, 15], [19, 20], [13], [3], [65, 19], [19, 20, 31]]
>>> pairs = dict()
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> pairs = defaultdict(list)
>>> for idx, sub in enumerate(mylist):
...     for a in sub:
...         pairs[a].append(idx)
>>> pairs
defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {65: [5], 3: [4], 13: [3], 14: [1], 15: [0, 1], 19: [2, 5, 6], 20: [2, 6], 31: [6]})

您可以忽略仅包含1个元素的值列表(因为这意味着我们没有一对)。具有2+元素的那些形成各种对。例如,对于19,我们有[2, 5, 6]含义:

  • 2和5是一对
  • 2和6是一对
  • 5和6是一对



>>> from itertools import combinations
>>> for k,v in pairs.iteritems():
...     if len(v) > 1:
...         for a,b in combinations(v, 2):
...             print "Index {} matched with index {} for value {}".format(a, b, k)
Index 0 matched with index 1 for value 15
Index 2 matched with index 5 for value 19
Index 2 matched with index 6 for value 19
Index 5 matched with index 6 for value 19
Index 2 matched with index 6 for value 20

答案 1 :(得分:3)


In [770]: l2=[(i,set(mylist[i])) for i in range(len(mylist))]
     ...: for (i, a), (j, b) in combinations(l2,2):
     ...:     for v in a.intersection(b):
     ...:         print "Index {} matched with index {} for value {}".format(i,j,v)
Index 0 matched with index 1 for value 15
Index 2 matched with index 5 for value 19
Index 2 matched with index 6 for value 19
Index 2 matched with index 6 for value 20
Index 5 matched with index 6 for value 19

答案 2 :(得分:2)

mylist = [[15], [14, 15], [19, 20], [13], [3], [65, 19], [19, 20, 31]]
my_set_list = [set(item) for item in mylist]
for i1, item in enumerate(my_set_list):
    for i2 in xrange(i1 + 1, len(my_set_list)):
        for val in (item & my_set_list[i2]):
            print "Index {} matched with index {} for value {}".format(i1,i2,val)


Index 0 matched with index 1 for value 15.
Index 2 matched with index 5 for value 19.
Index 2 matched with index 6 for value 19.
Index 2 matched with index 6 for value 20.
Index 5 matched with index 6 for value 19.