
时间:2014-02-21 23:52:47

标签: c string recursion find


int instring( char* word, char* sentence );


instring( "Word", "Another Word" ); 


  • 如果找到这个单词,它将返回它在
  • 找到单词的位置
  • 如果找不到这个词,它将返回-1


所以问题是我该如何运作? 这是我到目前为止所提出的:

int instring( char* word, char* sentence ){
    if( *word == '\0' )
        return 0;
    else if( *word != '\0' && *sentence == '\0' )
        return -1;
        if( *word == *sentence )
            instring( word+1, sentence+1 );
            instring( word, sentence+1 );

如果'word'可以找到,我得到0否则我得-1。由于我无法跨函数调用存储任何值,因此无法获得'word'字符串开始的位置。 除了外部变量和只有两个输入字符串之外,还有其他方法可以获得该位置吗?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

int instring( char* word, char* sentence ){
    int lenw = strlen(word);
    int lens = strlen(sentence);
    if(lenw > lens) return -1;

    if(strncmp(sentence, word, lenw)==0)
        return 0;
    else {
        int ret = instring(word, sentence + 1);
        if(ret < 0)
            return ret;
        return 1 + ret;

答案 1 :(得分:2)


#include <stdio.h>

static int const debug = 0;

static int instring(char const *word, char const *sentence)
  int rc;
  if (debug)
    printf("-->> [%s] in [%s]\n", word, sentence);
  if (*word == '\0')
    rc = 0;
  else if (*sentence == '\0')
    rc = -1;
  else if (*word != *sentence || (rc = instring(word+1, sentence+1)) != 0)
    if ((rc = instring(word, sentence+1)) >= 0)
  if (debug)
    printf("<<-- [%s] in [%s] = %d\n", word, sentence, rc);
  return rc;

int main(void)
  char word[] = "Word";
  char str1[] = "Another Word";
  char str2[] = "Wrong parts of the data";
  char str3[] = "A Word Or Two";

  printf("Search for [%s] in [%s] at offset %d\n",
         word, str1, instring(word, str1));
  printf("Search for [%s] in [%s] at offset %d\n",
         word, str2, instring(word, str2));
  printf("Search for [%s] in [%s] at offset %d\n",
         word, str3, instring(word, str3));
  return 0;

如果您设置debug = 1;,您就会明白为什么效率低下。它使用变量rc来简化调试跟踪。


#include <stdio.h>

static int instring(char const *word, char const *sentence)
  int rc;
  if (*word == '\0')
    return 0;
  if (*sentence == '\0')
    return -1;
  if (*word == *sentence)
    int i;
    for (i = 1; word[i] != '\0' && word[i] == sentence[i]; i++)
    if (word[i] == '\0')
      return 0;
  if ((rc = instring(word, sentence+1)) >= 0)
  return rc;

int main(void)
  char word[] = "Word";
  char str1[] = "Another Word";
  char str2[] = "Wrong parts of the data";
  char str3[] = "A Word Or Two";

  printf("Search for [%s] in [%s] at offset %d\n",
         word, str1, instring(word, str1));
  printf("Search for [%s] in [%s] at offset %d\n",
         word, str2, instring(word, str2));
  printf("Search for [%s] in [%s] at offset %d\n",
         word, str3, instring(word, str3));
  return 0;


Search for [Word] in [Another Word] at offset 8
Search for [Word] in [Wrong parts of the data] at offset -1
Search for [Word] in [A Word Or Two] at offset 2


答案 2 :(得分:0)

int len1 = strlen(word);
int len2 = strlen(sentence);
int n,k=0;

for(int i =0;i<len2;i++){
n =i;
  while(sentence[n] == word[k] && n<len2){
      if(k==len1 && ( n==len2 || sentence[n+1] ==' ')
        return i;//if word found return the position in the original string//
k =0;
while(sentence[i] != ' ' && i<len2) //go to next word//
return -1;