
时间:2014-02-21 11:01:50

标签: eclipse git egit


我正在运行Windows 7和Cygwin。我在位置“C:/ Workspace”中有一个Eclipse工作区。在Cygwin中,在“/ cygdrive / c / Workspace”中:

$ git status
# On branch master
# Untracked files:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
#       Temp/bin
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

as expect 但在Eclipse(Egit)中,每个单独的文件都被视为“未分级”:

Screenshot of Eclipse with the Staging view showing all files as "unstaged"

意外。我尝试了各种解决方案,包括设置“core.filemode = false”。所有文件都在“C:/ Workspace /”中的工作区中,并且没有任何类型的链接。我缺少什么?

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