
时间:2014-02-19 18:51:47

标签: ios objective-c ios7 uitextview

我有一个不可滚动的UITextView,它的layoutManager maximumNumberOfLines设置为9,工作正常,但是,我似乎无法在NSLayoutManager中找到一个限制文本不超出UITextView框架的方法。


enter image description here




#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface CustomTextView : UITextView <NSLayoutManagerDelegate>



#import "CustomTextView.h"

@implementation CustomTextView

- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
    self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
    if (self)
        self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
        self.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:21.0];
        self.dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypeAll;
        self.layoutManager.delegate = self;
        self.tintColor = [UIColor companyBlue];
        [self setLinkTextAttributes:@{NSForegroundColorAttributeName:[UIColor companyBlue]}];
        self.scrollEnabled = NO;
        self.textContainerInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(8.5, 0, 0, 0);
        self.textContainer.maximumNumberOfLines = 9;
    return self;

- (CGFloat)layoutManager:(NSLayoutManager *)layoutManager lineSpacingAfterGlyphAtIndex:(NSUInteger)glyphIndex withProposedLineFragmentRect:(CGRect)rect
    return 4.9;



7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)


-(BOOL)textView:(UITextView *)textView shouldChangeTextInRange:(NSRange)range replacementText:(NSString *)text {
    FLOG(@" called");

    // allow deletes
    if (text.length == 0)
        return YES;

    // Check if the text exceeds the size of the UITextView
    return [self doesFit:textView string:text range:range];

- (float)doesFit:(UITextView*)textView string:(NSString *)myString range:(NSRange) range;
    // Get the textView frame
    float viewHeight = textView.frame.size.height;
    float width = textView.textContainer.size.width;

    NSMutableAttributedString *atrs = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithAttributedString: textView.textStorage];
    [atrs replaceCharactersInRange:range withString:myString];

    NSTextStorage *textStorage = [[NSTextStorage alloc] initWithAttributedString:atrs];
    NSTextContainer *textContainer = [[NSTextContainer alloc] initWithSize: CGSizeMake(width, FLT_MAX)];
    NSLayoutManager *layoutManager = [[NSLayoutManager alloc] init];

    [layoutManager addTextContainer:textContainer];
    [textStorage addLayoutManager:layoutManager];
    float textHeight = [layoutManager
    FLOG(@" viewHeight = %f", viewHeight);
    FLOG(@" textHeight = %f", textHeight);

    if (textHeight >= viewHeight - 1) {
        FLOG(@" textHeight >= viewHeight - 1");
        return NO;
    } else
        return YES;

EDIT 好的,如果更改文本格式,还需要添加一些检查。在我的情况下,用户可以更改字体或使其变为粗体,更改段落样式等。所以现在任何这些更改也可能导致文本超出textView边框。

首先,您需要确保使用textViews undoManager注册这些更改。请参阅下面的示例(我只是复制整个attributionString,以便在调用undo时我可以将其放回去。)

// This is in my UITextView subclass but could be anywhere

// This gets called to undo any formatting changes 
- (void)setMyAttributedString:(NSAttributedString*) atstr {
    self.attributedText = atstr;
    self.selectedRange = _undoSelection;
// Before we make any format changes save the attributed string with undoManager
// Also save the current selection (maybe should save this with undoManager as well using a custom object containing selection and attributedString)
- (void)formatText:(id)sender {
    //LOG(@"formatText: called");
    NSAttributedString *atstr = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithAttributedString:self.textStorage];
    [[self undoManager] registerUndoWithTarget:self
    // Remember selection
    _undoSelection = self.selectedRange;

   // Add text formatting attributes
   // Now tell the delegate that something changed
   [self.delegate textViewDidChange:self];


-(void)textViewDidChange:(UITextView *)textView {
    FLOG(@" called");
    if ([self isTooBig:textView]) {
        FLOG(@" text is too big so undo it!");
        @try {
            [[textView undoManager] undo];
        @catch (NSException *exception) {
            FLOG(@" exception undoing things %@", exception);

答案 1 :(得分:3)




CGRect rect = [self.textView.layoutManager usedRectForTextContainer:self.textView.textContainer];


答案 2 :(得分:2)


  1. UITextViewDelegate的{​​{1}}方法中查找当前文字的大小(例如,NSString textView:shouldChangeTextInRange:replacementText:)。
  2. 如果大小大于允许,则返回FALSE,否则返回TRUE。
  3. 如果用户输入的内容大于您允许的内容,请向用户提供自己的反馈。
  4. 编辑:由于sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:已被弃用,请使用sizeWithFont:



答案 3 :(得分:1)


这是一个快速入侵,检查文本的高度是否太接近textView的高度。还检查textView rect是否包含文本rect。你可能需要更多地调整它以满足你的需求。

-(void)textViewDidChange:(UITextView *)textView {
    if ([self isTooBig:textView]) {
        FLOG(@" too big so undo");
        [[textView undoManager] undo];
/** Checks if the frame of the selection is bigger than the frame of the textView
- (bool)isTooBig:(UITextView *)textView {
    FLOG(@" called");

    // Get the rect for the full range
    CGRect rect = [textView.layoutManager usedRectForTextContainer:textView.textContainer];

    // Now convert to textView coordinates
    CGRect rectRange = [textView convertRect:rect fromView:textView.textInputView];
    // Now convert to contentView coordinates
    CGRect rectText = [self.contentView convertRect:rectRange fromView:textView];

    // Get the textView frame
    CGRect rectTextView = textView.frame;

    // Check the height
    if (rectText.size.height > rectTextView.size.height - 16) {
        FLOG(@" rectText height too close to rectTextView");
        return YES;

    // Find the intersection of the two (in the same coordinate space)
    if (CGRectContainsRect(rectTextView, rectText)) {
        FLOG(@" rectTextView contains rectText");
        return NO;
    } else
        return YES;

另一个选项 - 在这里我们检查大小,如果它太大则阻止输入任何新字符,除非它是删除。不漂亮,因为如果超过高度,这也会阻止在顶部填充一条线。

bool _isFull;

-(BOOL)textView:(UITextView *)textView shouldChangeTextInRange:(NSRange)range replacementText:(NSString *)text {
    FLOG(@" called");

    // allow deletes
    if (text.length == 0)
        return YES;

    // Check if the text exceeds the size of the UITextView
    if (_isFull) {
        return NO;

    return YES;
-(void)textViewDidChange:(UITextView *)textView {
    FLOG(@" called");
    if ([self isTooBig:textView]) {
        FLOG(@" text is too big!");
        _isFull = YES;
    } else {
        FLOG(@" text is not too big!");
        _isFull = NO;

/** Checks if the frame of the selection is bigger than the frame of the textView
- (bool)isTooBig:(UITextView *)textView {
    FLOG(@" called");

    // Get the rect for the full range
    CGRect rect = [textView.layoutManager usedRectForTextContainer:textView.textContainer];

    // Now convert to textView coordinates
    CGRect rectRange = [textView convertRect:rect fromView:textView.textInputView];
    // Now convert to contentView coordinates
    CGRect rectText = [self.contentView convertRect:rectRange fromView:textView];

    // Get the textView frame
    CGRect rectTextView = textView.frame;

    // Check the height
    if (rectText.size.height >= rectTextView.size.height - 10) {
        return YES;

    // Find the intersection of the two (in the same coordinate space)
    if (CGRectContainsRect(rectTextView, rectText)) {
        return NO;
    } else
        return YES;

答案 4 :(得分:1)


#import "ViewController.h"

@interface ViewController ()

@property IBOutlet UITextView *myTextView;

@property CGRect previousRect;
@property int lineCounter;


@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];

[self.myTextView setDelegate:self];

self.previousRect = CGRectZero;
self.lineCounter = 0;

- (void)textViewDidChange:(UITextView *)textView {
UITextPosition* position = textView.endOfDocument;

CGRect currentRect = [textView caretRectForPosition:position];

if (currentRect.origin.y > self.previousRect.origin.y){
    if(self.lineCounter > 9) {
        NSLog(@"Reached line 10");
        // do whatever you need to here...
self.previousRect = currentRect;



答案 5 :(得分:1)

IOS 7中有一个新类与UITextviews携手合作,这是NSTextContainer类



它有一个名为size ...


尺寸 控制接收器边界矩形的大小。默认值:CGSizeZero。

@property(非原子)CGSize大小 讨论 此属性定义从lineFragmentRectForProposedRect返回的布局区域的最大大小:atIndex:writingDirection:remainingRect:。值0.0或更小意味着没有限制。


答案 6 :(得分:1)

无需查找行数。 我们可以通过从textview计算光标位置来获得所有这些东西,并根据我们可以根据UITextView的高度最小化UITextView的UIFont。

以下是链接。请参阅此内容。 https://github.com/jayaprada-behera/CustomTextView