
时间:2014-02-19 18:34:18

标签: android database mobile login

我想知道最常用的应用程序如何保持登录? 当我打开Facebook,Twitter,Instagram或500px我的应用程序准备就绪,没有时间登录,我需要知道我的应用程序的方法,谁请求8-10秒登录和下载用户列表。


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我相信所有上述帖子都是准确的,但我想加上我的两分钱。当您的应用程序启动时,您应该在Launcher Activity(在主屏幕上点击您的应用程序图标时启动的活动,如果尚未打开时)启动

// This will get you an instance of your applications shared preferences.
SharedPreferences preferences = getBaseContext().getSharedPreferences("MyPrefs", SharedPreferences.MODE_PRIVATE);

// Values  
String userName = preferences.getString("username",null);
String password = preferences.getString("password",null);

// Then you want to query preferences for values such as username and password like
if((userName != null) && (password != null))
    // **** Log your user into your application auto**Magically** ********

    // ------------------- Option 1 - web request -------------------        

    // First i Would make the initial Web Request before trying to send my User into
    // a new Activity.
    // Run an `AsynchTask` against your webservice on the server if this is something 
    // you need to do to see if the username and password, are correct and registered

    //---------- Option 2 - Check the SQLite Database(if you are using one) --------- 

    // Otherwise you can use this info to read from an SQLiteDatabase on your device.
    // To see if they are registered

    // This is where you would create a new intent to start
    // and Login your user, so that when your application is launched
    // it will check if there are a username and password associated to the 
    // Application, if there is and these are not null do something like

    // Create a new Intent
    Intent automagicLoginIntent = new Intent(getBaseContext(),AutomagicLogin.class);

    // Pass the Bundle to the New Activity, if you need to reuse them to make additional calls
    Bundle args = new Bundle();
    args.putString("username", userName);
    args.putString("password", password);

    automagicLoginIntent.putExtra("UserInfo", args);

    // Launch the Activity

    // Show the Layout for the current Activity

这应该在您的onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState);方法中完成,但这不足之处。实现它不应该太棘手,但实现取决于您的逻辑如何工作。

您是否从SQLIte数据库中读取? 你从WebService上读过吗?






// Inside an Listener , get a reference to your `TextView`s that were used to enter 
// username and password
TextView usernameText = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textViewUsername);
TextView passwordText = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textViewPassword);

// Get a reference to the SharedPReferences, SO WE CAN BEGIN TO STORE THE VALUES ENTERED
SharedPreferences preferences = getBaseContext().getSharedPreferences("MyPrefs", SharedPreferences.MODE_PRIVATE);

// Need this to Edit Preferences
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit();

// Then you can add the values

// Must Call this to write values to the Preferences 



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