
时间:2014-02-19 03:07:52

标签: python list python-2.7 encryption decoder



例如,如果我们想要转移 doge 1,没问题,那就是ephf ......

但是xyz怎么样,转变是4 ???

所以编程专业人员帮助第一次新手,也就是新手:P 感谢...

import string
def main():        
    inString = raw_input("Please enter the word to be "
                         "translated: ")
    key = int(raw_input("What is the key value? "))

    toConv = [ord(i) for i in inString] #now want to shift it by key
    toConv = [x+key for x in toConv]
    #^can use map(lambda x:x+key, toConv)
    result = ''.join(chr(i) for i in toConv)

    print "This is the final result due to the shift", result

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


inString, key = "xyz", 4
toConv = [(ord(i) + key) for i in inString] #now want to shift it by key
toConv = [(x % ord("z")) + ord("a") if x > ord("z") else x for x in toConv]
result = ''.join(chr(i) for i in toConv)
print result   # cde

答案 1 :(得分:0)


i = 0
while 1:
    # I want to see 1-10, and i=10 will give me 0 (10%10==0), so i%10+1!
    i += 1


import string
codex = string.ascii_lowercase

inString = "abcdxyz"
key = 3
outString = [codex[(codex.index(char)+key)%len(codex)] for char in inString]

但是,由于您使用ord,我们会从ord('A') == 65转到ord('z')==122,因此范围为0 - > 57(例如range(58),常数为65.换句话说:

codex = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
# every char for chr(65) -> chr(122)

codex = ''.join([chr(i+65) for i in range(58)]) # this is the same thing!

我们可以这样做,但它将包含字符[\] ^ _`

inString, key = 'abcxyzABCXYZ', 4
toConv = [(ord(i)+key-65)%58 for i in inString]
result = ''.join(chr(i+65) for i in toConv)
# "efgBCDEFG\\]^"

答案 2 :(得分:0)



key = 1
table = string.maketrans(string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase, string.ascii_lowercase[key:] + string.ascii_lowercase[:key] + string.ascii_uppercase[key:] + string.ascii_uppercase[:key])


'doge'.translate(table) # Outputs 'ephf'
'Doge'.translate(table) # Outputs 'Ephf'
'xyz'.translate(table)  # Outputs 'yza'


'3 2 1 a'.translate(table) # Outputs '3 2 1 b'

答案 3 :(得分:0)



def caesar_ch(ch, shift):
    Caesar cipher for one character.  Only shifts 'a' through 'z'
    and 'A' through 'Z'; leaves other chars unchanged.
    n = ord(ch)
    if ord('a') <= n <= ord('z'):
        n = n - ord('a')
        n = (n + shift) % 26
        n = n + ord('a')
        return chr(n)
    elif ord('A') <= n <= ord('Z'):
        n = n - ord('A')
        n = (n + shift) % 26
        n = n + ord('A')
        return chr(n)
        return ch

def caesar(s, shift):
    Caesar cipher for a string.  Only shifts 'a' through 'z'
    and 'A' through 'Z'; leaves other chars unchanged.
    return ''.join(caesar_ch(ch, shift) for ch in s)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    assert caesar("doge", 1) == "ephf"

    assert caesar("xyz", 4) == "bcd"

    assert caesar("Veni, vidi, vici.", 13) == "Irav, ivqv, ivpv."



答案 4 :(得分:0)


# advCeaser.py
# This program uses a ceaser cypher to encode and decode messages
import string

def main():
    # Create a table to reference all upper, lower case, numbers and common punctuation.
    table = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890,.!?-@'

    print 'This program accepts a message and a key to encode the message.'
    print 'If the encoded message is entered with the negative value of the key'
    print 'The message will be decoded!'

    # Create accumulator to collect coded message 
code =''

    # Get input from user: Message and encode key
    message = raw_input('Enter the message you would like to have encoded:')
    key = input('Enter the encode or decode key: ')

    # Loop through each character in the message
    for ch in message:
        # Find the index of the char in the table add the key value
        # Then use the remainder function to stay within range of the table.
        index = ((table.find(ch)+key)%len(table))

        # Add a new character to the code using the index
        code = code + table[index]

    # Print out the final code
    print code




This program accepts a message and a key to encode the message.
If the encoded message is entered with the negative value of the key
The message will be decoded!
Enter the message you would like to have encoded:The zephyr blows from the east to the west!
Enter the encode or decode key: 10


This program accepts a message and a key to encode the message.
If the encoded message is entered with the negative value of the key
The message will be decoded!
Enter the message you would like to have encoded:croj0ozr92jlvy73jp2ywj4rojok34j4yj4roj7o34G
Enter the encode or decode key: -10
The zephyr blows from the east to the west!
