
时间:2014-02-17 21:47:45

标签: python


C:\Users\\Desktop\exam review\review 1.py", line 89, in main
endBalance = begBalance - totalWithdrawals + totalDeposits
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'float' and 'str'


def main():
    #Declare and initialize variables
    #float = 0.0, with1 =0.0, with2 = 0.0, with3 = 0.0
    with1 = with2 = with3 = 0.0

    #float deposit1 = 0.0, deposit2 = 0.0, deposit3 = 0.0
    deposit1 = deposit2 = deposit3 = 0.0

    #float totalWithdrawals = 0.0, totalDeposits = 0.0, endBalance = 0.0, begBalance = 0.0
    totalWithdrawals = totalDeposits = endBalance = begBalance = 0.0

    #string acctNumber = “ “
    acctNumber = ""

    #string firstName = “ ”, lastName = “ ”
    firstName = lastName = ""

    #int age = 0
    age = 0

    #string userName =” “, convertedAcctNumber = “ “
    userName = convertedAcctNumber = ""

    print("This program will show your bank statement\n")

    #Open file “January.txt” for input
    infile = open("January.txt", "r")

    #Read in line1 and store in acctNumber
    line1 = infile.readline()
    acctNumber = line1

    #Read in line2 and store in begBalance
    line2 = infile.readline()
    begBalance = line2

    #Convert begBalance to float
    begBalance = float(begBalance)

    #Read in line3 and split into with1, with2, with3
    line3 = infile.readline()
    with1, with2, with3 = line3.split(",")

    #Convert with1, with2, and with3 to float
    with1 = float(with1)
    with2 = float(with2)
    with3 = float(with3)

    #Read in line4 and split into deposit1, deposit2, deposit3
    line4 = infile.readline()
    deposit1, deposit2, deposit3 = line4.split(",")

    #Convert deposit1, deposit2 and deposit3 into float
    depoit1 = float(deposit1)
    depoit2 = float(deposit2)
    depoit3 = float(deposit3)

    #Close file

    #Prompt for firstName
    firstName = input("What is your first name: ")

    #Prompt for lastName
    lastName = input("What is your last name: ")

    #Prompt for age
    age = eval(input("What is your age: "))

    #Use string manipulation to create username
    userName  = (firstName[0] + lastName[:5] + str(age)).lower()

    #Use string manipulation to create convertedAcctNumber
    convertedAcctNumber = acctNumber[0:3] + "-" + acctNumber[3:5] + "-" + acctNumber[5:]

    #Calculate totalDeposits
    totalDeposits = deposit1 + deposit2 + deposit3

    #Calculate totalWithdrawals
    totalWithdrawals = with1 + with2 + with3

    #Calculate endBalance
    endBalance = begBalance - totalWithdrawals + totalDeposits

    #Display report on screen
    print("Broward College National Bank".center())
    print("Name \t\t\t UserName\t\t\t Account Number")

    #Open “January statement.txt” for output
    #Write the report to the file
    #Close file    `

因此,由于我拥有非常有限的编程知识,我尝试了以下方法将所有内容都设置为浮点数(我已经将deposit1 deposit2 deposit3和with1 with2 with3放入浮点数,所以当它们被添加时,totalDeposits和totalWithdrawls会变成浮点数自己,使以下多余?)

'#Calculate totalDeposits
totalDeposits = deposit1 + deposit2 + deposit3
totalDeposits = float(totalDeposits)

#Calculate totalWithdrawals
totalWithdrawals = with1 + with2 + with3
totalWithdrawals = float(totalWithdrawals)

#Calculate endBalance
endBalance = begBalance - totalWithdrawals + totalDeposits
endBalance = float(endBalance)    '


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#28>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\\Desktop\exam review\review 1.py", line 82, in main
    totalDeposits = float(totalDeposits)
ValueError: could not convert string to float: '200.56234.56352.35\n'

这些是readin line4的价值.. sooo我几乎卡住了,不知道还能做什么,谢谢大家的帮助。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


depoit1 = float(deposit1)

然后使用deposit1,就像它是一个浮点数一样。请注意拼写错误depoit1&lt;&gt; deposit1

答案 1 :(得分:0)

错误非常清楚,您正在尝试向浮点数添加字符串: '200.56234.56352.35 \ N'