
时间:2014-02-17 14:27:53

标签: powershell



$updateScope = New-Object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateScope
$updateScope.ApprovedStates = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.ApprovedStates]::LatestRevisionApproved
$updateScope.FromArrivalDAte = (Get-Date).AddMonths(-1)
$wsusGroup = $wsus.GetComputerTargetGroups() | Where {$_.Name -eq "$PatchingGroup"}
$Updates = $wsus.GetUpdates($updateScope)

我假设我可以使用$ Updates变量并为Beta和Production组执行以下操作:

Foreach ($update in $updates) {


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


    Approve WSUS updates for installation.
    This script takes the name of a WSUS approval group, and approves updates based on their age.
    Author: Mike Hashemi
    V1 date: 24 Feb 2014

    Default value: server.domain.local. This parameter specifies the DNS name of the primary WSUS server.
.PARAMETER PatchingGroup
    Manadatory parameter. Valid values are 'Alpha','Beta','Production','Excluded','Workstations','COC-OMI-WORKSTATIONS'. The value of this parameter determines what patching groups will have updates approved for installation. Multiple groups can be entered at once, unless one of the is Alpha
    .\manageWSUSUpdates-Parameterized.ps1 -PatchingGroup Alpha 
    In this example, the script will approve all updates with an approval status not equal to 'IsDeclined', for installation to servers in the Alpha group.
    .\manageWSUSUpdates-Parameterized.ps1 -PatchingGroup Beta
    In this example, the script will get the list of updates approved for the Alpha group, in the last three months (from the date the script is run), and will approve them  for installation to servers in the Beta group.
    [string]$PrimaryWSUSServer = “server.domain.local”,


#Initialize variables
$BeginScriptTime = Get-Date

# Load the Required .NET assembly

$wsus = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::getUpdateServer($PrimaryWSUSServer,$False)

Function Approve-AlphaPatches {
    #Get the list of all updates that are not declined.
    $unapprovedUpdates = $wsus.getupdates() | where {$_.isdeclined -ne $true}

    #If an update has a license agreement, accept it
    $license = $unapprovedUpdates | where {$_.RequiresLicenseAgreementAcceptance}
    $license | ForEach {$_.AcceptLicenseAgreement()}

    #Get members of Alpha patching group.
    $installGroup = $wsus.GetComputerTargetGroups() | where {$_.Name -eq $PatchingGroup}

    #Approve updates for the Beta group.
    Foreach ($update in $unapprovedUpdates) {

Function Approve-NonAlphaPatches {
    Foreach ($group in $PatchingGroup) {
        #Get the updates that have arrived in the last three months.
        $updateScope = New-Object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateScope
        $updateScope.ApprovedStates = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.ApprovedStates]::LatestRevisionApproved
        $updateScope.FromArrivalDAte = (Get-Date).AddMonths(-3)

        #Get the updates approved for the Alpha group.
        $alphaGroup = $wsus.GetComputerTargetGroups() | Where {$_.Name -eq 'Alpha'}
        $Updates = $wsus.GetUpdates($updateScope)

        #Get members of Alpha patching group.
        $installGroup = $wsus.GetComputerTargetGroups() | where {$_.Name -eq $group}

        #Approve updates for the user-specified patching group.
        Foreach ($update in $updates) {

#Begin Script
If (($PatchingGroup.Count -gt 1) -and ($PatchingGroup -ccontains 'Alpha')) {
    Write-Error ("This script cannot approve Alpha patches with other patching groups. If you want to approve more groups at the same time, please approve the rest in a second execution of the script.")
Else {
    If ($PatchingGroup -eq 'Alpha') {
    Else {

答案 1 :(得分:1)

我在原始帖子中看不到对特定版本PowerShell的任何引用,但Windows 8.1 / Windows Server 2012 R2 WSUS模块是否可能实现您的目标?



如果您没有使用Windows 8.1和PowerShell 4.0版,请原谅我的无知。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


#Load KBs to exclude
$pattern = '[^0-9]'
if(Test-Path ($PSScriptRoot + '\exclude.csv')){
    $exclude = @(Import-Csv ($PSScriptRoot + '\exclude.csv') -Delimiter ';' -Encoding UTF8 | SELECT KBArticle)

    #Approve updates for the Beta group.
    Foreach ($update in $unapprovedUpdates) {
        if (($exclude -eq $null) -or ($exclude | where {($_.KBArticle -replace $pattern, '') -ne $update.KnowledgebaseArticles} )){

