c ++骰子游戏模拟滚动两个骰子

时间:2014-02-17 04:38:39

标签: c++ arrays class dice

我是一名c ++初学者,我需要创建一个模拟滚动两个骰子的骰子游戏。我对使用头文件很困惑。但首先,为什么我需要返回骰子的脸部?第二,int roll功能有什么作用?要重置值和面?如果是这样,默认值是多少?最后一个函数Dice(int n),我是否使用这个函数来控制骰子值的最大值?该函数必须具有包含以下函数的类头文件:

class Dice{

    int face;    // no. of faces of the dice
    int value;    // the face-value that shows up

    int getFace()// returns the no. of face of the dice

    int getVal()
        int dice1;
        int dice2;
        dice1 = rand() % 6 + 1;
        dice2 = rand() % 6 + 1;
    };    // returns the face value that shows up

    int roll();     // simulate the roll pf the dice, the  value field is set  and  returned.
    Dice();   // default constructor , a standard six-face dice is created with value = 1
    Dice(int size);  // create a dice of given size


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



int roll()函数和getVal()应该和我假设的一样。我已经继续并删除了getVal()而只是使用了roll()。

Dice()和Dice(int size)只是初始化每个骰子的面数。默认骰子将有6个面,但是用户可以掷出超过6的骰子,因此是int大小。

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <time.h>

class Dice
        int faces; // no. of faces of the dice
        int value; // the face-value that shows up
        int getFaces() {return faces;} // returns the no. of faces of the dice
        int roll() // returns the face value that shows up
            value = rand() % faces + 1;
            return value;
        Dice() : faces(6) {}; // default constructor, create a dice of standard size
        Dice(int size) : faces(size) {}; // create a dice of given size

int main()
    srand( time(NULL) ); // Initialize random seed
    char yesNo;

    std::cout << "\nWould you like to roll two normal dice? (y/n)\n";
    std::cin >> yesNo;

    if ( yesNo == 'y' )
        Dice dOne, dTwo;

        std::cout << "\nA dice with " << dOne.getFaces() << " faces rolled: " << dOne.roll() << '\n';
        std::cout << "A dice with " << dTwo.getFaces() << " faces rolled: " << dTwo.roll() << '\n';
        int dFaces;
        std::cout << "\nHow many faces would you like each dice to have?\n\n";

        std::cout << "Dice 1: ";
        std::cin >> dFaces;
        Dice dOne(dFaces);

        std::cout << "Dice 2: ";
        std::cin >> dFaces;
        Dice dTwo(dFaces);

        std::cout << "\nA dice with " << dOne.getFaces() << " faces rolled: " << dOne.roll() << '\n';
        std::cout << "A dice with " << dTwo.getFaces() << " faces rolled: " << dTwo.roll() << '\n';

    return 0;

答案 1 :(得分:0)



//file: dice.h
//this is default constructor, note the lack of parameters being passed in
Dice(): face(?), value(?) // here we are initializing "face" and "value", replace the question marks with the correct values as per your specification


//file: dice.h
Dice(); //This is only a declaration

//file: dice.cpp
#include "dice.h"
Dice::Dice(): face(?), value(?) //This is where we define the constructor. note the Dice:: part here, we need to tell the compiler where to look

其余部分非常相似。如果你正在努力,那么我建议你进一步研究一些c ++资源。我会查找构造函数/析构函数以及初始化列表。