我一直在学习Python 2.5.4,我有以下问题需要解决:
from math import *
n = raw_input('This is a logarithm ratio tester. Which number do you want to test? ')
for x in range(2,n): #picks numbers to test
for divisor in range(2, 1+int(sqrt(x+1))):
if x%divisor == 0: #checks if x is prime
log(x) #computes log of prime
print 'Sum of the logs of the primes is',logsum
print 'n =',n
print 'Ratio of sum to n is',logsum/n
答案 0 :(得分:4)
def isprime(x):
for j in range(2,1 + int(sqrt(x - 1))):
if x%j == 0:
return False
return True
def primes(n):
return [j for j in range(2, n) if isprime(n)]
logsum = 0
for p in primes(n):
logsum += log(p)
答案 1 :(得分:3)
from math import *
logsum = 0
n = raw_input('This is a logarithm ratio tester. Which number do you want to test? ')
for x in range(2,n): #picks numbers to test
isprime = True
for divisor in range(2, 1+int(sqrt(x+1))):
if x%divisor == 0: #checks if x is prime
isprime = False #computes log of prime
if isprime:
logsum += log(x)
此外,由于您正在检查大量值,因此实施The Sieve of Eratosthenes可能是继续学习的好方法。
编辑:使用Juri Robl的建议,代码可以简化为:
from math import *
logsum = 0
n = raw_input('This is a logarithm ratio tester. Which number do you want to test? ')
for x in range(2,n): #picks numbers to test
for divisor in range(2, 1+int(sqrt(x+1))):
if x%divisor == 0: #checks if x is prime
logsum += log(x)
答案 2 :(得分:1)
请注意log(2)+ log(3)+ ... + log(n)= log(2 * 3 * ... * n)
import math
import operator
def filter_primes(alist, newlist):
for x in alist[1:]:
if x%alist[0] != 0:
return newlist
n = int(raw_input('This is a logarithm ratio tester. Which number do you want to test?'))
alist = range(2, n)
sieve_list = []
primes = [2]
while alist[0] < math.sqrt(n):
a = filter_primes(alist, sieve_list)
alist = sieve_list
sieve_list = []
for j in alist[1:]: primes.append(j)
product = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, primes)
ans = math.log(product)
print 'The sum of the logs is: %d \nn is: %d \nThe ratio of these two quantities is: %s' % (ans, n, float(ans/n))