msqli stmt->绑定错误'无法通过引用传递参数2

时间:2014-02-16 01:53:06

标签: php mysql foreach insert

$arr = array (
        array ('item'=>'Salt', 'on_hand'=>2, 'cost'=>3.29, 'format'=>'box'),
        array ('item'=>'Pepper', 'on_hand'=>1, 'cost'=>2.19, 'format'=>'bag'),
        array ('item'=>'Cinnamon', 'on_hand'=>1, 'cost'=>1.55, 'format'=>'shaker'),
  $sql = "INSERT INTO item_list VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
  if (!($stmt=$db->prepare($sql))) {
    echo "<br />Prepare failed: (".$db->errno.") ".$db->error; }
  foreach($arr as $key) {
    $item = $key['item'];
    $on_hand = $key['on_hand'];                    // format 1. $item or format 2. $key[;item']
    $cost = $key['cost'];                          // echo works with both formats...
    $format = $key['format'];                      // stmt->bind neither format works...
    echo "<br>$item $on_hand $cost $format<br>";   // first var is auto-increment *NULL*
    if (!$stmt->bind_param("isids", null, $key["item"], $key["on_hand"], $key["cost"], $key["format"])) {
        echo "<br />Binding failed: (".$stmt->errno.") ".$stmt->error; }
    if(!$stmt->execute()) {
      echo "<br />Execute failed: (".$stmt->errno.") ".$stmt->error; }

明确得到此错误 -     致命错误:无法通过引用传递参数2 ...  似乎没什么用 - 我的服务器设置可以吗? 我在这个论坛上看到了这个确切的'stmt-&gt; bind_param()格式,并且该人说它有效...... PS:需要从数据库中获取它也是如此,如果你能告诉我如何取回它,那就太好了 网上最好的论坛 - 实际工作的最新答案(到目前为止) 它对我有很大的帮助...... Thnx一百万 还尝试了在循环外的stmt-&gt; bind_param()...格式为#1

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


INSERT INTO item_list (column2, column3, column4, column5) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);


$stmt->bind_param("sids", $item, $on_hand, $cost, $format);

foreach($arr as $key) {
    $item = $key['item'];
    $on_hand = $key['on_hand'];
    $cost = $key['cost'];                          
    $format = $key['format']; 


答案 1 :(得分:0)

经过数小时的搜索和测试,测试,测试和测试...... 终于想出了如何使用REFLECTION。 希望这有助于其他人! PS:表的第1行项目设置为AutoIncrement,不包含在'prepare'绑定模板中。

  // Make sure error reporting on full - last setting of this func may affect all others using mysqli.
  // To be safe always call mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF) at the end of the script.

  // Multi dimensional associative array that will be reflected
  $ref_arr = array (  // Note the 'sids' mimics the stmt->bind_param() syntax
        array ('sids', 'item'=>'Salt', 'on_hand'=>2, 'cost'=>3.29, 'format'=>'box'),
        array ('sids', 'item'=>'Pepper', 'on_hand'=>1, 'cost'=>2.19, 'format'=>'bag'),
        array ('sids', 'item'=>'Cinnamon', 'on_hand'=>1, 'cost'=>1.55, 'format'=>'shaker'),

  // Insert all the items/rows using Prepared Statement & Reflection
  if (!($res = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO item_list SET  item=?, cnt=?, cost=?, format=?"))) {
    echo "<br/>Prepare failed: (".$db->errno.") ".$db->error;
    return; }
  $ref = new ReflectionClass('mysqli_stmt');  // Instantiate the reflection class
  $method = $ref->getMethod("bind_param");  // Set the binding method
  foreach($ref_arr as $arr) { // Loop through the multi dimensional associative array

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我发现您已完全修改了代码,但原始问题很简单 - 您试图将null绑定为参数:

bind_param("isids", null, ...


$n = null;
bind_param("isids", $n, ...