
时间:2014-02-15 17:01:52

标签: c yacc lex


当我尝试运行测试用例时,我需要提示以下代码失败的原因:int a = 3;所有代码都编译时没有警告或错误,据我所知,结构是正确的。我觉得assignment的规则中一定存在问题。

错误消息显示:ERROR: syntax error at symbol "a" on line 1



#include "calc.h"
#include "symbol-table.h"
#include "tok.h"
int yyerror(char *s);
int yylinenum = 1;

digit        [0-9]
int_const    {digit}+
float_const  {digit}+[.]{digit}+
id           [a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9]*


{int_const}    { yylval.int_val = atoi(yytext); return INTEGER_LITERAL; }
{float_const}  { yylval.float_val = atof(yytext); return FLOAT_LITERAL; }
"="            { yylval.str_val = strdupclean(yylval.str_val, yytext); return EQUALS; }
"+"            { yylval.str_val = strdupclean(yylval.str_val, yytext); return PLUS; }
"*"            { yylval.str_val = strdupclean(yylval.str_val, yytext); return MULT; }
"-"            { yylval.str_val = strdupclean(yylval.str_val, yytext); return MINUS; }
"/"            { yylval.str_val = strdupclean(yylval.str_val, yytext); return DIV; }
"("            { yylval.str_val = strdupclean(yylval.str_val, yytext); return OPAREN; }
")"            { yylval.str_val = strdupclean(yylval.str_val, yytext); return CPAREN; }
";"            { yylval.str_val = strdupclean(yylval.str_val, yytext); return SEMIC; }
"sqrt"         { yylval.str_val = strdupclean(yylval.str_val, yytext); return SQRT; }
{id}           { yylval.str_val = strdupclean(yylval.str_val, yytext); 
                 /*HINT: One way to simplify parsing is to have lex return what
                  * type of variable we have.  IVAR = int, FVAR = float
                  * UVAR = unknown var.
                  * Naturally, you may use your own solution.
              if (strcmp(yylval.str_val, "int")) {return IVAR;}
              else if (strcmp(yylval.str_val, "float")) {return FVAR;}
                  else {return UVAR;} 

[ \t]*         {}
[\n]           { yylinenum++;    }

.              { yyerror("Unknown Symbol"); exit(1); }


#include "calc.h"
#include "symbol-table.h"
int yyerror(char *s);
int yylex(void);

int         int_val;
float       float_val;
char*       str_val;

%start input

%token <int_val>   INTEGER_LITERAL
%token <float_val> FLOAT_LITERAL
%token <float_val> SQRT
%type  <int_val>   int_exp
%type  <float_val> float_exp
%type  <str_val>  IVAR FVAR UVAR
%right EQUALS /*right associative, everything on the right side of the = should be evaluated and stored*/
%left  PLUS MINUS/*The order matters, by listing PLUS/MIUS first and then MULT/DIV we are */
%left  MULT DIV /*telling yacc to evaluate MULTs & DIVs before PLUSes and MINUSes*/


input:           /*empty*/
            | int_exp                   { printf("Result %d\n", $1); }
            | float_exp                 { printf("Result %f\n", $1); }
            | assignment                { printf("Result \n"); }

int_exp:          INTEGER_LITERAL           { $$ = $1; }
            | int_exp PLUS int_exp      { $$ = $1 + $3; }
            | int_exp MULT int_exp      { $$ = $1 * $3; }
            | int_exp MINUS int_exp     { $$ = $1 - $3; }
            | int_exp DIV int_exp       { $$ = $1 / $3; }
            | OPAREN int_exp CPAREN     { $$ = $2; }

float_exp:        FLOAT_LITERAL             { $$ = $1; }
            | float_exp PLUS float_exp  { $$ = $1 + $3; }
            | float_exp MULT float_exp  { $$ = $1 * $3; }
            | float_exp MINUS float_exp { $$ = $1 - $3; }
            | float_exp DIV float_exp   { $$ = $1 / $3; }
            | int_exp PLUS float_exp    { $$ = (float)$1 + $3; }
            | int_exp MULT float_exp    { $$ = (float)$1 * $3; }
            | int_exp MINUS float_exp   { $$ = (float)$1 - $3; }
            | int_exp DIV float_exp     { $$ = (float)$1 / $3; }
            | float_exp PLUS int_exp    { $$ = (float)$1 + $3; }
            | float_exp MULT int_exp    { $$ = (float)$1 * $3; }
            | float_exp MINUS int_exp   { $$ = (float)$1 - $3; }
            | float_exp DIV int_exp     { $$ = (float)$1 / $3; }
            | OPAREN float_exp CPAREN   { $$ = $2; }
            | SQRT OPAREN float_exp CPAREN  { $$ = sqrt((double)$3); }
            | SQRT OPAREN int_exp CPAREN    { $$ = sqrt((double)$3); }

assignment:       UVAR EQUALS float_exp SEMIC           { //if UVAR exists and is float, update value
                                          //if UVAR doesn't exist, error: unknown type
                                          symbol_table_node *n1 = symbol_table_find( $1, *st);
                                          if(n1) { 
                                            if(n1->type == FLOAT_TYPE) {
                                                n1->val.float_val = $3;
                                            } else {
                                            //error, variable not defined
                                          //if UVAR is not float, error: illegal assignment
            | UVAR EQUALS int_exp SEMIC         { 
                                          symbol_table_node *n1 = symbol_table_find( $1, *st);
                                          if(n1) { 
                                            if(n1->type == INT_TYPE) {
                                                n1->val.int_val = $3;
                                            } else {
            | IVAR UVAR EQUALS int_exp SEMIC { //UVAR should not be in symbol table
                                          if(symbol_table_find($2, *st)) {
                                          } else {
                                            //how to handle errors?
                                            symbol_table_add_i($2, $4, *st);
            | FVAR UVAR EQUALS float_exp SEMIC { 
                                          if(symbol_table_find($2, *st)) {

                                          } else {
                                            symbol_table_add_f($2, $4, *st);


int yyerror(char *s){
extern int yylinenum; /* defined and maintained in lex.c*/
extern char *yytext;  /* defined and maintained in lex.c*/

printf("ERROR: %s at symbol \"%s\" on line %d\n", s, yytext, yylinenum);
return -1;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


if (strcmp(yylval.str_val, "int"))




int b = 0;
int a = b + 3;

因为b不会被识别为int_exp。在这种情况下,教师的提示适用。 (虽然就个人而言,我建议采用不同的方式。)

最后,我不知道strdupclean做了什么,但我认为它涉及制作yytext的副本。在运算符令牌(+-等)或保留字的情况下,这几乎肯定是不必要的,因为您永远不会引用这些令牌的“语义值”。 (作为证据,您不会声明这些令牌中的任何一个甚至具有语义类型。)不必要的复制确实有成本,特别是如果您需要清理为副本分配的内存。
