我安装了以下VIM软件包/软件包 我的Mac OS X上的http://vim.spf13.com/#vundle
安装了碎片的/ usr / local / bin中/ CTAGS --langmap = php:.engine.inc.module.theme.install.php --php-kinds = cdfi --languages = php --recurse -f
E433: No tags file
E426: tag not found: get_aflex_now
" Modeline and Notes {
" vim: set sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et tw=78 foldmarker={,} foldlevel=0 foldmethod=marker spell:
" __ _ _____ _
" ___ _ __ / _/ |___ / __ __(_)_ __ ___
" / __| '_ \| |_| | |_ \ _____\ \ / /| | '_ ` _ \
" \__ \ |_) | _| |___) |_____|\ V / | | | | | | |
" |___/ .__/|_| |_|____/ \_/ |_|_| |_| |_|
" |_|
" This is the personal .vimrc file of Steve Francia.
" While much of it is beneficial for general use, I would
" recommend picking out the parts you want and understand.
" You can find me at http://spf13.com
" }
" Environment {
" Identify platform {
silent function! OSX()
return has('macunix')
silent function! LINUX()
return has('unix') && !has('macunix') && !has('win32unix')
silent function! WINDOWS()
return (has('win16') || has('win32') || has('win64'))
" }
" Basics {
set nocompatible " Must be first line
set shell=/bin/sh
" }
" Windows Compatible {
" On Windows, also use '.vim' instead of 'vimfiles'; this makes synchronization
" across (heterogeneous) systems easier.
set runtimepath=$HOME/.vim,$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,$VIM/vimfiles/after,$HOME/.vim/after
" }
" }
" Use before config if available {
if filereadable(expand("~/.vimrc.before"))
source ~/.vimrc.before
" }
" Use bundles config {
if filereadable(expand("~/.vimrc.bundles"))
source ~/.vimrc.bundles
" }
" General {
set background=dark " Assume a dark background
" if !has('gui')
"set term=$TERM " Make arrow and other keys work
" endif
filetype plugin indent on " Automatically detect file types.
syntax on " Syntax highlighting
set mouse=a " Automatically enable mouse usage
set mousehide " Hide the mouse cursor while typing
scriptencoding utf-8
if has('clipboard')
if LINUX() " On Linux use + register for copy-paste
set clipboard=unnamedplus
else " On mac and Windows, use * register for copy-paste
set clipboard=unnamed
" Most prefer to automatically switch to the current file directory when
" a new buffer is opened; to prevent this behavior, add the following to
" your .vimrc.before.local file:
" let g:spf13_no_autochdir = 1
if !exists('g:spf13_no_autochdir')
autocmd BufEnter * if bufname("") !~ "^\[A-Za-z0-9\]*://" | lcd %:p:h | endif
" Always switch to the current file directory
" }
" }
" Use before config if available {
if filereadable(expand("~/.vimrc.before"))
source ~/.vimrc.before
" }
" Use bundles config {
if filereadable(expand("~/.vimrc.bundles"))
source ~/.vimrc.bundles
" }
" General {
set background=dark " Assume a dark background
" if !has('gui')
"set term=$TERM " Make arrow and other keys work
" endif
filetype plugin indent on " Automatically detect file types.
syntax on " Syntax highlighting
set mouse=a " Automatically enable mouse usage
set mousehide " Hide the mouse cursor while typing
scriptencoding utf-8
if has('clipboard')
if LINUX() " On Linux use + register for copy-paste
set clipboard=unnamedplus
else " On mac and Windows, use * register for copy-paste
set clipboard=unnamed
" Most prefer to automatically switch to the current file directory when
" a new buffer is opened; to prevent this behavior, add the following to
" your .vimrc.before.local file:
" let g:spf13_no_autochdir = 1
if !exists('g:spf13_no_autochdir')
autocmd BufEnter * if bufname("") !~ "^\[A-Za-z0-9\]*://" | lcd %:p:h | endif
" Always switch to the current file directory
"set autowrite " Automatically write a file when leaving a modified buffer
set shortmess+=filmnrxoOtT " Abbrev. of messages (avoids 'hit enter')
set viewoptions=folds,options,cursor,unix,slash " Better Unix / Windows compatibility
set virtualedit=onemore " Allow for cursor beyond last character
set history=1000 " Store a ton of history (default is 20)
set spell " Spell checking on
set hidden " Allow buffer switching without saving
" Instead of reverting the cursor to the last position in the buffer, we
" set it to the first line when editing a git commit message
au FileType gitcommit au! BufEnter COMMIT_EDITMSG call setpos('.', [0, 1, 1, 0])
" http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Restore_cursor_to_file_position_in_previous_editing_session
" Restore cursor to file position in previous editing session
" To disable this, add the following to your .vimrc.before.local file:
" let g:spf13_no_restore_cursor = 1
if !exists('g:spf13_no_restore_cursor')
function! ResCur()
if line("'\"") <= line("$")
normal! g`"
return 1
augroup resCur
autocmd BufWinEnter * call ResCur()
augroup END
" Setting up the directories {
set backup " Backups are nice ...
if has('persistent_undo')
set undofile " So is persistent undo ...
set undolevels=1000 " Maximum number of changes that can be undone
set undoreload=10000 " Maximum number lines to save for undo on a buffer reload
" To disable views add the following to your .vimrc.before.local file:
" let g:spf13_no_views = 1
if !exists('g:spf13_no_views')
" Add exclusions to mkview and loadview
" eg: *.*, svn-commit.tmp
"set autowrite " Automatically write a file when leaving a modified buffer
set shortmess+=filmnrxoOtT " Abbrev. of messages (avoids 'hit enter')
set viewoptions=folds,options,cursor,unix,slash " Better Unix / Windows compatibility
set virtualedit=onemore " Allow for cursor beyond last character
set history=1000 " Store a ton of history (default is 20)
set spell " Spell checking on
set hidden " Allow buffer switching without saving
" Instead of reverting the cursor to the last position in the buffer, we
" set it to the first line when editing a git commit message
au FileType gitcommit au! BufEnter COMMIT_EDITMSG call setpos('.', [0, 1, 1, 0])
" http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Restore_cursor_to_file_position_in_previous_editing_session
" Restore cursor to file position in previous editing session
" To disable this, add the following to your .vimrc.before.local file:
" let g:spf13_no_restore_cursor = 1
if !exists('g:spf13_no_restore_cursor')
function! ResCur()
if line("'\"") <= line("$")
normal! g`"
return 1
augroup resCur
autocmd BufWinEnter * call ResCur()
augroup END
" Setting up the directories {
set backup " Backups are nice ...
if has('persistent_undo')
set undofile " So is persistent undo ...
set undolevels=1000 " Maximum number of changes that can be undone
set undoreload=10000 " Maximum number lines to save for undo on a buffer reload
" To disable views add the following to your .vimrc.before.local file:
" let g:spf13_no_views = 1
if !exists('g:spf13_no_views')
" Add exclusions to mkview and loadview
" eg: *.*, svn-commit.tmp
let g:skipview_files = [
\ '\[example pattern\]'
\ ]
" }
" }