我目前正在为一所学校项目工作,并遇到了一个问题,即通过Telnet发送了大量数据。如果我发送的消息少于10KB,那就没问题了。但是,如果我发送的消息超过10KB,我会在运行几分钟后收到以下错误“501语法错误 - 行太长”。
char *MailContents = new char[20000000];
std::ifstream in("C:\\test.txt");
std::string MailData((std::istreambuf_iterator<char(in)),std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
//The following streams in the data into MailData() from a .txt file.
memcpy(MailContents, MailData.c_str(), MailData.length()); //This takes the data and copies it to MailContents
strcat(MailContents, "\r\n");
send(Connection, MailContents, strlen(MailContents), 0); //The following line will take the data in MailContents and echo it to the Telnet data section to be sent.
send(Connection, ".\r\n", strlen(".\r\n"), 0); //This line terminates the data entry and sends it.