select customer,
sum([Is NonRecurring Sale]+[Is NonRecurring Refund]+[Is NonRecurring Chargeback]) as net_report_bill_through,
sum([net sales]) as report_revenue,
MIN(transactiontimestamp) as report_date_min,
MAX(transactiontimestamp) as report_date_max,
SUM(case when transactiondatestamp >= billthrough_date and transactiondatestamp <= dateadd(day,5,billthrough_date) then ([Is NonRecurring Sale]+[Is NonRecurring Refund]+[Is NonRecurring Chargeback])
else 0 end) as g1_num_reports,
SUM(case when transactiondatestamp >= billthrough_date and transactiondatestamp <= dateadd(day,10,billthrough_date) then ([Is NonRecurring Sale]+[Is NonRecurring Refund]+[Is NonRecurring Chargeback])
else 0 end) as g2_num_reports,
SUM(case when transactiondatestamp >= billthrough_date and transactiondatestamp <= dateadd(day,15,billthrough_date) then ([Is NonRecurring Sale]+[Is NonRecurring Refund]+[Is NonRecurring Chargeback])
else 0 end) as g3_num_reports,
SUM(case when transactiondatestamp >= billthrough_date and transactiondatestamp <= dateadd(day,20,billthrough_date) then ([Is NonRecurring Sale]+[Is NonRecurring Refund]+[Is NonRecurring Chargeback])
else 0 end) as g4_num_reports
into #report_info
from #report_transactions
group by customer
order by customer
所以聚合列g1_num_reports, g2_num_reports, g3_num_reports, g4_num_reports