无法在MPI Bcast中访问嵌套for循环

时间:2014-02-13 00:55:04

标签: mpi broadcast

我无法访问或打印嵌套for循环中的任何数据。这是我第一次编写MPI程序,并且所有示例都没有显示比Hello World更复杂的内容。我做错了什么?

void assignStarsToClusters(double *stars, double *clusters, int *azimuth)
ostringstream oss;


//double start = MPI_Wtime();   

// Assign a star to the closest cluster
double smallDistance;
double tmpDistance;
int indice = 0;


MPI_Bcast(azimuth    /*the data we're broadcasting*/,
          NUMOFLINES /*the data size */,
          MPI_INT    /*the data type */,
          0          /*the process we're broadcasting from */,
MPI_Bcast(stars    /*the data we're broadcasting*/,
          NUMOFSTARCOORD /*the data size */,
          MPI_DOUBLE    /*the data type */,
          0          /*the process we're broadcasting from */,
MPI_Bcast(clusters    /*the data we're broadcasting*/,
          NUMOFCLUST /*the data size */,
          MPI_DOUBLE    /*the data type */,
          0          /*the process we're broadcasting from */,
MPI_Bcast(&NUMOFCLUST    /*the data we're broadcasting*/,
          1             /*the data size */,
          MPI_DOUBLE    /*the data type */,
          0          /*the process we're broadcasting from */,
MPI_Bcast(&NUMOFSTARCOORD    /*the data we're broadcasting*/,
          1             /*the data size */,
          MPI_DOUBLE    /*the data type */,
          0          /*the process we're broadcasting from */,

int sx = NUMOFSTARCOORD/comm_sz;
int s_lower = my_rank * sx;
int s_upper = s_lower + sx;

for(int a = my_rank; a <= comm_sz; a++)
    for(int i = s_lower; i <= s_upper; i+=3)
        smallDistance = sqrt(sqr(stars[i] - clusters[0]) + sqr(stars[i+1] - clusters[1]) + sqr(stars[i+2] - clusters[2]));

        indice = 0;

        for(int j = 3; j <= (NUMOFCLUST * 3); j+=3)
            tmpDistance = sqrt(sqr(stars[i] - clusters[j]) + sqr(stars[i+1] - clusters[j+1]) + sqr(stars[i+2] - clusters[j+2]));

            oss << " " << j;        

            if(tmpDistance < smallDistance)
                smallDistance = tmpDistance;
                indice = j;
        azimuth[i/3] = indice / 3;  

        //oss << " " << indice;

   // cout << oss.str() << endl;   

//if(my_rank == 0)
    //for (int i = 0; i < NUMOFLINES; i++) {
    //  oss << " " << azimuth[i];

cout << oss.str() << endl;

//cout << "Total Time: " << MPI_Wtime() - start << endl;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  1. MPI_Barrier():大多数情况下从不需要:MPI_Bcast()同步是隐式的 - 当您需要与外部事物同步时需要屏障,例如在向stdout命令I / O时。

    < / LI>
  2. 这个循环:

    for(int a = my_rank; a <= comm_sz; a++)


    另一方面,如果你的算法是正确的(完全不清楚),它是不平衡的,因为不同的MPI任务将执行不同的迭代次数。因此,您的代码将以最慢的代码执行,即my_rank == 0的任务。

  3. 我的负面评论的原因是你说“这是我第一次写一个MPI程序”而你之前只尝试过“hello world”。我强烈建议你尝试一些更典型的例子:分布式总和,幽灵单元......然后当你更好地了解它如何与简单的测试用例一起工作时,你继续开始解决你自己的问题。

  4. 您应该开始在这里发布一个工作代码,如果实际问题太大而无法从您的实际问题中提取。请参阅here,特别是here:您会看到尝试解释它,您甚至会在发布之前澄清自己。

  5. MPI_Bcast() - 帖子的标题 - 看起来非常正确:你应该开始打印它们以开始调试代码,如果你不想从并行调试器开始(那不会根本不是一个坏主意... ...但似乎你还没有尝试过。我会在第一个MPI_Bcast()之后开始添加这一行:

    cout << my_rank << ": azimuth[0]="<< azimuth[0] << endl;
  6. 希望我的批评更清楚。