jssor Slider Carousel:是否可以设置'circular:false'?

时间:2014-02-13 00:03:40

标签: jquery slider carousel

我正在将jssor Slider Carousel实施到一个网站中,并且一切运作良好。 我的滑块基于'Jssor.Slider.FullPack'中的'carousel.source.html'示例。


    jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
        var options = {
            $AutoPlay: 1,                                    //[Optional] Whether to auto play, to enable slideshow, this option must be set to true, default value is false
            $AutoPlaySteps: 3,                                  //[Optional] Steps to go for each navigation request (this options applys only when slideshow disabled), the default value is 1
            $AutoPlayInterval: 4000,                            //[Optional] Interval (in milliseconds) to go for next slide since the previous stopped if the slider is auto playing, default value is 3000
            $PauseOnHover: 0,                               //[Optional] Whether to pause when mouse over if a slider is auto playing, 0 no pause, 1 pause for desktop, 2 pause for touch device, 3 pause for desktop and touch device, default value is 3

            $ArrowKeyNavigation: true,                          //[Optional] Allows keyboard (arrow key) navigation or not, default value is false
            $SlideDuration: 300,                                //[Optional] Specifies default duration (swipe) for slide in milliseconds, default value is 500
            $MinDragOffsetToSlide: 20,                          //[Optional] Minimum drag offset to trigger slide , default value is 20
            $SlideWidth: 138,                                   //[Optional] Width of every slide in pixels, default value is width of 'slides' container
            //$SlideHeight: 92,                                //[Optional] Height of every slide in pixels, default value is height of 'slides' container
            $SlideSpacing: 6,                                   //[Optional] Space between each slide in pixels, default value is 0
            $Cols: 6,                                  //[Optional] Number of pieces to display (the slideshow would be disabled if the value is set to greater than 1), the default value is 1
            $Align: 0,                              //[Optional] The offset position to park slide (this options applys only when slideshow disabled), default value is 0.
            $UISearchMode: 1,                                   //[Optional] The way (0 parellel, 1 recursive, default value is 1) to search UI components (slides container, loading screen, navigator container, direction navigator container, thumbnail navigator container etc).
            $PlayOrientation: 1,                                //[Optional] Orientation to play slide (for auto play, navigation), 1 horizental, 2 vertical, default value is 1
            $DragOrientation: 1,                                //[Optional] Orientation to drag slide, 0 no drag, 1 horizental, 2 vertical, 3 either, default value is 1 (Note that the $DragOrientation should be the same as $PlayOrientation when $DisplayPieces is greater than 1, or parking position is not 0)

            $ArrowNavigatorOptions: {
                $Class: $JssorArrowNavigator$,              //[Requried] Class to create direction navigator instance
                $ChanceToShow: 2,                               //[Required] 0 Never, 1 Mouse Over, 2 Always
                $Steps: 3                                       //[Optional] Steps to go for each navigation request, default value is 1

        var jssor_slider2 = new $JssorSlider$("slider2_container", options);

但是我注意到它默认从最终幻灯片滑动到第一张幻灯片,反之亦然。 在我处理的其他滑块和旋转木马中,有一个叫做循环或类似的参数来处理这个函数。

查看配置选项,我无法找到任何参数。 我尝试使用提供的语法并将下面的行输入到初始化中,但没有运气。

$Circular: false,


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

请将$ Loop选项设置为0

    jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
        var options = {
            $Loop: 0,


        var jssor_slider2 = new $JssorSlider$("slider2_container", options);